Chapter Eight - Tempers Flare

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My father and brother had been up to their antics again. Draco had written to him after the Buckbeek incident. Due to that, father had been furious and called for a hearing demanding the hippogriffs head. The hearing was this morning and now the four of us were going to see Hargid on how it had gone.

"Beautiful day." Hermione commented

"Gorgeous. Unless you've been ripped to pieces." Ron retorted making me sigh and shake my head.

"Ripped to pieces? What are you talking about?" Harry questioned

"Ron, has lost his rat." I huff

"I haven't lost anything, one of your cats killed him." he accused us

"Rubbish." we denied and walked ahead of the boys

"Harry, you've seen the way the blood thirsty beasts of theirs is always lurking about. And scabbers is gone." he complained, like he had been doing since he couldn't find the bloody rat.

"Well maybe you should learn to take better care of your pets." Hermione snapped back

"one of your cat's killed him."

"They did not." I call back and then it was back and forth till Harry intervened. We went down to the lake side where Hagrid was. He was throwing stones across the river.

"How did it go Hagrid. The hearing?" Hermione questioned

"Well, first off, the committee members took turns talking about why we were there." he began and threw another rock across the water "Then I got up and did my piece. Said how buckbeak was a good hippogriff. Always cleaned his feathers. And the Lucius Malfoy got up. Well, you can imagine. He said Buckbeak was a deadly and dangerous creature who'd kill ya as soon as he'd look at ya." he scoffed

"Did you tell them that I rode him? That buckbeak was fine with me?" I wonder because it was true, what Hagrid had said. They were proud creatures. We respected him, so he respected us. Bro came at him hence he got injured.

"I did, though your father dismissed it and well he asked for the worst, did old Lucius."

"They're not sacking you!" Ron feared, which was also mine. When I get home, I would be furious with my father.

"No, I'm not sacked. Buckbean's been sentence to death." he cried and I covered my mouth in shock.

"They can't have done that, that's ludicrous!" I shouted "I'm so sorry Hagrid. If I could have some something I would have. I swear."

"I know Vega. I know."


That evening at supper I came into the hall, my friends were walking ahead of me.

"Vega!" my brother called coming over. I glared at him and shoved my way past him "Vega? Is everything okay?" he followed me and i sat down. I grabbed some spaghetti

"Vega talk to me. Why aren't you talking to me?" I glance at hERMIONE FOR A MOMENT THE POUR MYSELF some pumpkin juice. Here mine sighed "Vega this isn't funny. Say something?"

"Do any of you want pumpkin juice?" I speak asking the question to my friends who all looked at me aprehinsivly. I shrugged placing the jug down

"Your ignoring me? For what reason?" I twirled the spaghetti and had it. He stormed off.

"How long are you going to ignore him for?" Harry wonders

"not that long. I learned long ago, he can withstand a lot of stuff. Me not talking to him, is not one of them. I give it two days before he breaks fully." I sigh "I don't enjoy doing it particularly, but it's the only way he ever learns."


We were all back in Divination. I rested my chin on my hand as Professor Trelawney drivelled on.

"Broken your minds." was her favourite line "The art of crystal gazing is in the clearing of the inner eye."

"My inner eyes sleeping right now." I mumble, I loved knowledge and broadening my knowledge but this was ridiculous. Harry and hermione chuckled as Ron was snoring his head off.

"Only then can you see. Now what do we have here?" she came over to us. Harry woke up Ron and we all sat up like we had been following along to her rambling.

"Oh, do you mind me trying." Hermione requested and I raised my eyebrow at her. She had the same sentiments as I did. The professor nodded "The grim, possibly." Ah she was trying to covertly get more information.

"My dear from the first moment you stepped foot in my class. I sense that you did not possess the proper spirit..." she took Hermione's hand "...for the noble art of dIVINATION. no, you see, there. You may b young in years but your heart beneath that bosom is as shrivelled as a old maids, your soul is as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleve." my jaw dropped as she repeatedly insisted my best friend. Hermione stated her hand back and knocked the crystal bowl off the table

"Seriously?" I ask the professor then grab my things following after my best friend. "Mione, wait." I called running after her. She slowed down and the two of us headed back to our dorms

"Ignore her, she doesn't know what she's talking about." she stopped "She's just jealous. I'm guessing Divination was the only thing she was good at, when she came here. Unlike you, who has the whole world at her feet because your going to have nearly ever line of work begging for you once we finish school." she gave me a small smile

"Thank you, Vega."

"I'm serious, you can be minister of magic one day and then you can stick it to her. That's after you give me a job as a auror or something. Job to be determined. Right now I have my options open" we laugh and head into the common room. The boys joined us later on and we planned to go down and support Hagrid. Tonight was the night, he would have to mourn buckbean.

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