Chapter Twenty One - First Task

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It was the day of the first task and a arena had been constructed separately for this event. Next to the area was the Champion tent and Medical tent. I snuck down to see Harry.

"Psst." I called to the shadow. I had a one in four chance of it being my friend "Harry? Is that you?" I ask

"Yeah." he answered

"How are you doing? Okay?" I ask but there was no answer "They key is concentration. Then you just have to..."

"Battle a dragon." I moved the opening away and tackled him into a hug. There was a flash and I broke away to see Rita Skeeter and her photographer

"Young love." she cooed, I absolutely loathed the woman "How.....stirring." she spoke to her quill

"If everything goes unfortunately today you two may even make the front page. I'm thinking Romeo and Juliet, the muggle story resonates here." she chimed with a sickly smile.

"You have no business here." Krum stepped in "This tent is for champions and friends." Skeeter turned around

"No matter, we've got what we wanted." her quill brushed against Krums cheek and she backed off..

"Good day Champions. Gather around, please" Professor Dumbledore, Madam Maxime, High guy Kirkaroff and Mr Crouch entered "Now you've waited and wondered and at last the moment has arrived . A moment only four of you can appreciate. What are you doing here Miss Malfoy?"

"Oh, I was just...sorry I'll go." I left the tent and joined my friends sitting down.

"How's Harry?" Hermione wondered

"Putting on a brave face. It's not the dragons that scares me, it's that damn woman skeeter and her column of lies." I adjusted myself and the cannon went off. The first to come out was Cedric, going against the Swedish Dragon. He turned a dog into a rock as distraction and it worked long enough to get the golden egg. After him was Fluer and the Viktor. Finally it was Harry.

"Three of our champions have now faced their dragons and so each one of them will proceed to the next task. And now our fourth and final contestant." I clapped for Harry as he came out and saw the egg but not the dragon. He went to try and get it but the Hungarian Horntail hit him with his tail. I gasped, but it wasn't over, the dragon breathed fire almost hitting him. Harry took cover.The dragon kept on the attack shocking everyone

"Your wand Harry! Use your wand!" I yelled and even though it was doubtful he heard me. He did use his wand. While waiting for whatever he did, he dodged another fire hit. A few moments later he jumped onto his broom and flew around the arena. He almost got the egg but missed due to the fire again. I winced as flew away attempting to circle back but the he and the dragon almost got the teachers. Either way it broke free of its chains and chased after my friend. It went quiet in the area.

From where we were, we couldn't see what was going on for a good ten minutes, they had flown just past the school. We heard a fight though, then there was no dragon noise or screaming.

"Come on Harry." I muttered. A moment later we saw him coming over the ridge and I cheered.


In the Gryffindor common room, the cheers and congratulations continued as he proudly held up the egg. Fred and George lifted him up onto their shoulders. The egg was past around before it reached Seamus.

"Shush!" he quietened us "Go on, Harry. What's the clue?" Seamus handed the egg back to my friend

"Who wants me to open it." we all cried yes "Do you want me to open it." we yes again. Harry opened the egg and it let out a powerful screech. I covered my ears and winced. Harry quickly closed it.

"What the bloody hell was that." Ron huffed and the room became awkward

"All right everyone! Go back to your knitting. This is going to be uncomfortable enough without all you nosy sods listening in." Every one dispersed and I sat next to Hermione though both of us kept an eye on the two boys of our friendship group. We briefly over heard their conversation but they eventually made up.

"Boys." Hermione shook her head

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