Chapter Nine - In Support

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The four of us had changed out of our school uniforms into our normal clothes. I had on a baggy jumper that I bought with Hermione when she took me muggle shopping, to a second hand shop. It was warm and perfect for this kind of cold about to be colder night, with a t-shirt jeans and boots. Anyway as we made our way through the courtyard the executioner was there and he was sharpening his axe, it was really unnerving.

We quietly made our way past him and across the bridge though.

"I can't believe they're going to kill buckbeak. It's just too horrible." Hermione stated as we came out of the other side.

"It just got worse." Ron added. There watching Hagrids hut from afar was my brother.

"Draco Malfoy!" I screamed.

"Sister, come to see the show!" he chimed thinking this was funny.

"You cold, loathsome little cockroach." I held my wand under his chin "This is low even for you, how dare you come here."

"now, now sissy. Remember what mother said about your temper." he breathed shakily holding his hands up "it had no place against family."

"right now, with the way your acting, they're more my family than you are." he glanced to behind me. I stepped back

"Like I say, you can't hurt family." Hermione shoved past me and punched him.

"she can't but I can." Hermione seethed, the quickly ran off. "That felt good." she breathed

"not good, brilliant." Ron replied

"On this occasion. I approve." I add. We quickly made our way down and Hagrid let us in when we arrived.

"Oh look at him. He loves the smell of the trees as the wind blows through." Hagrid commented looking out at buckbeak who laid out between the pumpkins. I felt guilty for the creature.

"Why don't we just set him free?" Harry wondered, Hagrid sighed

"They'd know it was me and then Dumbledore would get into trouble. He's coming down, you know, Dumbledore. Says he wants to be with me when they...when it happens. Great man Dumbledore. Gran man." they come away from the window.

"We'll stay with you too Hagrid." Hermione says and I nod in agreement

"You'll do no such thing. Think I want you seeing something like that? No." he denied "You just drink your tea and be off. Oh. Before you go, Ron." he got something out of a jar and pulled out scabbers

"Scabbers, your alive." Ron took him

"You better keep a closer eye on your pet Ron." Hagrid warned him

"I think you owe someone an apology." I told him looking at Hermione mainly.

"Right. Next time I see Crookshanks and Wednesday. I'll let them know." he retorted to her and I rolled my eyes

"I meant us!" there was a crash and my head snapped see way to a jar that was just behind me. I found a shell that was out of place.

"Ouch." Harry winced and turned around "Hagrid." Hagrid went over.

"Oh dear. It's nearly dark you shouldn't be here. Someone sees you outside the castle this time of night, you'll be in trouble." Hagrid covers the moving plant just as there is a knock on the door "Big trouble, particularly you, Harry. Be with you in a moment. Quick, Quick." he shooed us to the back door. I opened it and peered out. We had to time this right, so as the went in, we ran out and hid behind the pumpkins.. We heard voices but nothing definitive. I heard a twig snap and I turned around, for a moment I thought I saw myself.

"What?" Harry questioned

"Nothing, never mind." I brushed it off

"Come on, lets go." We ran back up to higher ground. As sun set was creeping closer from the distance. We watched as they killed an innocent creature. I hugged Harry crying. He returned the embrace as we comforted each other.

"Agh." I looked over at Ron who was comforting Hermione "He just bit me. Scabbers!" Ron chased after his rat

"Ron" we called and followed

"Scabbers, come back." Ron was so far ahead and caught his pet that he failed to realised something.

"Harry you do realise what tree this is." Hermione commented to the fact that our friend was sat within reaching distance of the whomping willow.

"That's not good. Ron run!" he yelled to his friend

"Harry, Vega, Hermione, run! Its the grim!" he yelled back and we turned just as the dog in question came launching into a run and jumped over us, heading for Ron. It grabbed him by the ankle and drug him away as we were running over screaming for him. Harry had tripped to the floor, I helped him up and one of the branches flicked all three of us away. It screeched and grunted after I hit the floor.

We jumped back to our back to our feet staring at the tree. We heard Rons screams and tried to follow once more. But the willow wasn't having it. It attacked us and for the most part we dodged its advances. That was until it hit me on the head making me almost pass out, grabbed hermione on one of it's branches doing lord knows what.

"Vega!" she screamed I looked up she reached her hand out grabbing me and I was taken away as well

"Hermione!" I yelled then I was let go and slid into the large hole that the Grim and Ron had gone through. Just as I sat up I felt another body slam into me.

"Sorry." it was Harry, he moved off and then another body hit me

"Sorry, Vega." i was finally freed, covered in dirt. "Vega your head's bleeding?"

"no kidding I got hit by a moving tree." I snapped holding my head. The jumper good irritating so I removed it. Harry ripped a piece off my t-shits and wrapped my head up

"That should do for now." he tied it off.

"Thank you." I look around "Where do you suppose this goes?" I wonder to the two of them.

"I have a hunch. I just hope I'm wrong." We make our way through what is actually a tunnel and up through a floor.

"We're in the shrieking shack, aren't we?" Hermione breathed. We heard Ron and ran upstairs and into the one of the rooms where he was actually propped up on a chair.

"Ron, you okay?" Hermione asks

"The dog, where is it?" Harry questions

"Harry, it's a trap. He's the dog. He's an animagus." Ron cried out pointing behind us. We turned around picking up on the track marks. The door behind us swung shut and I felt my stomach sink seeing the prison uniform, Sirius Black. I stepped in front of Harry. Hermione copied my actions.

"If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too." Heremione snipped at him

"No, only one will die tonight." He retorted

"Then it will be you." I was pushed away and back.

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