"Christine ne sera pas contente de ça," Christine won't be happy about that, Lorenzo said as he showed up in the dooway, looking at Charles. He's right — I don't think my mom would like that idea. "There's breakfast in the backyard, if you mind pulling yourselves apart from each other," Lorenzo said to the four of us all crammed up in my bed, before he walked away.

"Je veux l'étrangler," I want to strangle him, Charles said, looking at the back of Lorenzo's head as he was walking down the stairs.

"J'ai entendu ça," I heard that, Lorenzo said over his shoulder.

"Tu étais censé," You were supposed to, Charles shouted back.

Charles and I were away from each other every night when he got banned from my room, unless we were out late, and we were away from each other when Evie and I left in the morning to workout. When we were together, you'd think we were glued together. Of course we couldn't be as touchy as we were in Greece, but we were always with each other, touching somehow.

But Charles was quite literally going insane. Not being able to be as close to me as he was in Greece was making him visibly upset.

Once at lunch, he had his arms around me and I reached for something, which was hard considering he had his arm around my shoulders. Lorenzo caught it and nudged Charles in the side.

"Tu peux la laisser partir une seconde," You can let her go for a second, he says to Charles, who scoffs at his brother's comment. Charles then turns to me, popping a grape into his mouth.

"On devrait rester une nuit sur le bateau," We should stay a night on the boat, he says and before I can answer, Arthur kicks both our legs to make us look at him sitting in front of us.

"Je veux venir," I want to come, he says.

"Non tu ne le fais pas," No you don't, Pierre immediately says, not even letting us answer. We all turn to look at him and Evie is just sitting next to him, oblivious about what's going on, so she's focusing on the eggs on her plate.

"Pourquoi?" Why? Arthur asks, furrowing his brows.

"Pourquoi pensez-vous qu'ils veulent rester sur le bateau?" Why do you think they want to stay on the boat? Pierre chuckles, making Arthur look back at us even more confused while Charles and I send him mean glares. Though, he's just staring back at us with a smug look on his face.

"Parce qu'ils-" Because they- he starts and then we watch as his face drops, he stares at me for a good second before looking down at his plate, not finishing his sentence. "Tu sais quoi... Je rentrerai juste à la maison quand le soleil se couchera," You know what... I'll just come home when the sun comes down, he says and I kick him in the shin for thinking such a thing. I don't need him to get pictures of me sleeping with his brother into his head.

I look over to Pierre to curse him out, but he's busy translating the whole conversation to Evie, who slaps his shoulder with a scoff. She furrows her brows and looks down at the plate.

"Leave their sex life alone!" She says, making the whole table stiff, because her looking down at her plate means she did not see Pascale coming back out to join the table.

"Who's sex life?" I ask, trying to play it as cool as I can, like Pascale's presence isn't making me fucking nervous and like it wasn't our sex life she was talking about. Evie looks up, first confused, then she looks at Pascale before back at me.

"Uh... Philip and Nicole," She shrugs lightly. Just two random names. Great. Not at all suspicious. But Pascale only sends Charles and I a quick look before shaking her head. I feel like sinking into the ground and I lean forward to put my head in my hand with my elbow on the table, keeping my hand up to hide my reddening cheeks.

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