When he comes back he gets a bikini out for me and he tells me to change while he changes into his swim trunks. We go for a swim in the pool and then I try to work a bit more on my tan while getting a book out. Charles lies down in the sunbed next to me and scrolls on his phone, but when he got bored, he went over to lie down right on top of me, his head on my chest.

When the sun started setting, Charles moved his head up to kiss me to distract me from my book. I had made it almost all the way to the middle of the book, but he pulled my face to kiss his and I dropped the book next to the sunbed and tangled my fingers in his hair as his hand roamed the bare skin wherever my bikini wasn't touching. We spent another twenty minutes out there just kissing, making out, touching, before I pushed him off to go inside and make dinner.

I washed off before making dinner, but I settled on a pair of sweatpants and a bralette because it was hot and I wanted to be comfortable. While I start the food, Charles washes off and comes out in only sweatpants as well, joining me in the kitchen. As I'm cutting some vegetables, he starts kissing my neck, down to my shoulder and up my neck again, while his hands slide to my stomach to push me back against him.

"Je cuisine maintenant," I'm cooking now, I laugh, looking over my shoulder at him. He uses the moment to catch my lips and start kissing my lips again. I drop the knife and I turn around to face him with my back against the counter, my hands going to grip it.

The kiss deepens as he puts his hands next to mine to let him lean onto the counter as well, with me between his arms. My head starts spinning a little as his lips move quickly with mine, his tongue brushing past mine everytime our lips part. I have to let go of the counter to wrap my arms around him, just to touch him. The skin of my bare arms goes flush against the skin of his waist and his back. I think I get goosebumps from the touch.

His right hand lets go of the counter, grabbing my waist to pull me even closer. My eyebrows go together, because I feel so much in my body that it hurts. Somehow, it feels like I might explode.

Maybe I should stop this before something happens... but what if I want it to happen?

The mere thought makes a whimper come from my throat, making Charles seem even more desperate to get me closer. My hands slide over his abs, his chest, his shoulders before wrapping around his neck. My stomach and chest pressed against his. We're as close as we can be.

With his arms wrapped tightly around my back, he lifts me up to sit on the counter and it allows me to wrap my legs around his hips. He lets go of my lips and he starts kissing down my jaw and on my neck while I start to breathe heavier and my heart beats faster.

"Charles," I breathed out, making him immediately stop the trail of kisses on my neck and looking up at me, afraid he did something wrong. "Toute à l'heure," Later, I tell him softly, because I need to make dinner for us.

He nods with a smile, looking clearly relieved that he hadn't done something wrong, and then he takes a short step back, letting his hands run down my thighs until he reaches my knees where he takes his hands off of me. I already miss his touch. Please touch me again, anywhere.

But he doesn't, he steps aside and starts cutting the vegetables that I was cutting up before. I sit next to him working on the counter and I just look at him in awe for a second, but when he meets my eyes and smiles, I think I drown in the air. He lets out a chuckle and raises his eyebrows while shaking his head.

"Cuisinons alors, allez," Let's cook then, come on, he says, making me jump off the counter and go to prepare the chicken I was cooking.

He helps me with the salad and then he takes plates out along with glasses. Since I don't really like wine, we bought cider that he poured up for the both of us as I prepared our plates to make them look a little fancy. Then we just went to sit on the couch, watching the TV that was showing French dubbed to Greek, which was kind of hilarious so we didn't change it. We just sat there next to each other, knowing exactly what they were supposed to be saying, but hearing them say it in Greek.

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