📸 eight 📸

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I was looking at them with shocked face.. What the hell is happening here?! I listened to them carefully...

"Did you have your fun? I am living peaceful life without you... So please leave me..!" Yeonjun shouted and dragged me outside...

She was looking at us with smirked.. But she said something which made Yeonjun stop...

"So she gives you more love than me? Did you really forget about me Junie?" She came near to him and touched his face...

He jerked her hand and said...

"You disgusted me.. And still you are doing this!"

I was looking them still processing and in a blink of an eye, we came outside... Yeonjun was greeting everyone here.. But after that incident I didn't see her...

Later on the function ended... It is evening now... I went inside to change my clothes into mine... Yeonjun was downstairs arranging everything...

I got into the room where I changed clothes...

I hold the door's lock to open but someone took my hands before it... I looked at the person and saw his step mother or who I don't know...

"So you are really his girlfriend?" She asked...

"Hmmm yeah I am!"

"So, how is he? Is he good to you? Do he fulfill your needs? Like you know what I'm trying to say.." She said holding my hands tightly...

I free my hand from her grip.. "Look here you lady! Love is not only for their sexual needs! Love comes from their heart!"

"Looks like you are genius for this! I'm impressed.. But he is not for you.."

"Can I ask you why?"

"Cuz I love him and I was his girlfriend and I know he didn't told you any of this.. You think me as his step mother but other than this I am something else to him..." She said and I'm taken a bit after hearing her...

But I shouldn't loose to her.. "You were but not now! So be sure what you're saying.." I said and went inside to change clothes...

I got out and saw Yeonjun their... "Oh you are here? Let's go!" Then we both got home...

I bid goodbye to him and went inside the home... Eomma was watching her favorite drama.. With so much attention.. I went to my room and got fresh...

I laid on my bed and the words of that lady was spinning on my head... Then she was his girlfriend.. But it doesn't make any sense, but I'm afraid to ask him...

Next day....

Yeonjun was in his day off.. Cuz he has no mood to open his café... He decided to work on his mission of Mingi..

He started to find Mingi's number.. He found it in school group that is still active...

He called in his number.. The beep sound of ringing made his heart beat more faster.. He was nervous and making sentences in his big brain to talk with him...

Finally he picked up the call....

"Hello? Who is it?"

"It's me Yeonjun.. Do you remember me? We used to be classmates.."

"Oh yeah! I know.. How can I forget the polite boy in our school.."

"So Yeah I called you for some reason..."

"Yeah tell me.."

"Actually it's...."

~The door bell rang~

"Did your door bell rang?" Mingi asked...

"Yeah.. Ok I'm calling you after a moment.."

"Yeah ok no problem.."

He went to his door to open...


"Yah! Y/N! Come here right now!" Eomma shouted from downstairs..

I got annoyed and got up from my bed and went to her...

"What is it?!" I asked with a frown on my face.. "Don't frown at your mother! You disrespectful brat! Take this!" Eomma scold me and gave me a bowl of brownies that I made two days ago in my boredom...

"What?" I asked her confused...

"Take this and give it to Yeonjun.." Eomma said...

"You are telling me to give him leftover brownies?"

"No it's still good! I know you will never gonna eat this again! And I have diabetes.. Also your Appa has no interest in it..."

I sighed and went to his home....

I rang the door bell waiting for him to open the door...

He opened the door.. And saw me smiling a fake smile in this early morning with a ugly face of me...

He looked at me confused...

"Brownies for you!"

"When did you woke up?"

"Just a few minutes ago!"

"Then when did you made brownies?"

"Umm.. I yesterday..."

"But I got the smell of brownies baking two days ago!"

I caught in 4K

"Take it... It tastes still good.."

I hand him and ran from there embarrassed...

I'm bad at lying... I thought and slapped myself.. But it's good thing tho... I said and smiled at myself...

"That girl..." Yeonjun thought about her and ate the brownies... "Ummm it tastes good..." He ate and smiled crazily thinking her face of embarrassment....

"She is cute!"


° Say Cheese! °+×+  YEONJUN FFWhere stories live. Discover now