📸 five 📸

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"Yah! How do you know my address?!" I asked him.. He chuckled and shooked his head.. He didn't said anyone and went to our neighbors door.. Then I noticed his shoes and my eyes got widened..

"Then? You are our new neighbor?!" I asked.. He nodded his head and I was taken back.. "But don't you feel scared cuz this house is abandoned for so many years.." I asked.. "No! Cuz I'm not like you.." Yeonjun replied boldly...

He is really an evil.. I am proud to save his name as devil.. "Ok ok whatever! Give my photos back tomorrow or I will choke you to death..." I said.. "Are those photos really important to you?" He asked me.. "Yes! So much important!" I said and went inside of my house...

Meanwhile.. Wooyoung the innocent man who realized a while ago that his best friend leave without him and in a bike.. He is o shocked to believe that his best friend left him... "I swear I will never gonna help her! How she betrayed me!" He said while removing fake tears... He walked in to his home and planning to kill Y/N

I sat on my bed and took my phone... Just then I remember "Wooyoung?!" I shouted didn't believing in me... How can I leave him like this, I totally forgot about him... How can I face him, he will kill me for sure...

Then I immediately call him but it is switched off... Then I messaged him.

Boy bestie😻: Bro! Where are you?! I am so sorry! Please forgive me! Bro! Where are you?! I will do whatever you say just please don't kill me!

He saw my message but didn't reply... Then I thought it will be tough to cool down him now...

Then I went to eat something cuz I am hungry... I took a packet of chips and started to feed my groaning tummy.. Then the door bell started to rang... Eomma went to open the door but I was not interested at the person who came...

I was eating peacefully in the living room.. Then I heard a familiar voice... Wait! I ran to the door and then Eomma closed the door... She was about to walk away, I asked her...

"Who was it?" She looked at me... "From when you are started to interest in it?" Eomma asked.. "From today! Now tell me!" I asked her impatiently... "The boy next door.. He is new in this place so he wanted to get along with the neighbors.. He came to say hello to us and gave us this tangerines.. Such a nice boy.." Eomma said while showing me tangerines in her hand...

"Yeah so nice boy.." I threw some sarcasm which my dear Eomma couldn't catch it... I took a tangerine to taste.. Yeah it was good and sweet too... Then I got a notification from Wooyoung.. I immediately opened it and saw...

Boy bestie😻: You said you will whatever I say. Then come to my home and help me to wash my bathroom..

Me: What?! Don't make me curse bro!

Boy bestie😻: Do whatever you want but you have to come to my home exactly at 7:30 a.m. and if you are late then I will make you clean my kitchen too...

Me: Ok ok don't say anything now... 😒

Boy bestie😻: Good girl...

I sighed and threw my phone somewhere else I don't know in anger.. I will make you suffer later Wooyoung for this... I know I made mistake but it is too much.... You evil brat... All boys are same...

Meanwhile, Wooyoung be like rn

Meanwhile, Wooyoung be like rn

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Next morning...

I woke up with so many struggles and got ready with so many problems.. After fighting for my life I can finally leave my home peacefully than I suddenly met another brat I mean main brat in my life is one only Yeonjun....

"Hey what's up girl?" He asked.. I didn't said anything and started to wear my shoes... "Hey! Are you ok?" He again asked... "I was ok but not now after I met you.." I replied.. "Oh really?! I take it as a compliment." He replied and I rolled my eyes....

"Where are you going in this early morning?!" He asked... "It's also your fault!" I said... "Why?!" He askes panicked at my sudden outburst... "At Wooyoung place.. Cuz I left him yesterday cuz of you!" I replied... "When?" He again asked... "I'm not in mood in answering your annoying question in this early morning.." I said..

I checked my wrist watch it's 7:15.. Oh I have time... "Ok I'm going.. Bye.." I said and about to leave.. "Wait! Aren't you gonna take your photos?" He said.. "After I come back, I will take it.." I said... "Actually I was coming to you for this.." He said...

"In this early morning?!" I said and made a disgusting face... "Ok ok go now take it from the café cuz I will not at home.." He said.. I nodded and left...

At Wooyoung's place...

I rang the door bell.. He opened the door with his messy hair, wrinkled pajamas and the drool dried on his mouth... "Yah! You made me woke up this early and you are standing here looking disgusting" I shouted at him..

"Please don't shout come in..." He said scratching his head.. I sighed and got in his house... Everywhere in the house is mess... "What if uncle and aunty come to your home without informing you, I bet they will make your ass red.." I said while chuckling...

"That's why I called you.." He said while yawning... "What? They are coming?!" I asked and he nodded.. "Yeah! They will come to see if their son is doing fine or not..." He said simply... "You rich brat.." I said and went to his room...

"Who told you to live alone?" I asked.. "It was my wish to live alone and my parents agreed.." He said while brushing his teeth that's why I couldn't hear him clearly.. "At least spit?!" I shouted at him cuz I'm so done... Then he went to spit..

I was arranging his clothes which are everywhere in his room.. Oh there was a packet of chips, not only this but the whole garbage area was there...

He came and stood beside me... "I think you make this room as the trash area and sell it to the person who comes to take trash..." I said... "Ok ok don't lecture me... I am helping you.." He said...

We are cleaning the room.. Then I remember, "Yah! You only told me to clean your bathroom then why are you making me clean your room?!" I said... "You started to clean it, that's why I didn't said anything I thought you want to do it..." He said acting innocent...

"Ok leave it.. Only clean my room and kitchen, I will handle the bathroom thing..." He said.. "Ok then as you say.." I said and became happy...

[Time Skip]

I finished working at Wooyoung's place.. Now I'm going to take my pictures.. I'm so excited as I was waiting for this moment... I reached there and saw Yeonjun talking to the customer... But he doesn't seems to be happy.. Cuz he always talks to customers nicely and with a smile... Just how he was in school...

I entered the café and he noticed me... I waited for him to finish, after sometime the customer left... I went to him

"Ok now give me my photos.." I said while smiling.. "Wait a moment.." He said and take off his apron which he was wearing and come to me.. He indicated me to sit at chair...

He opened his phone and I gave my phone to him.. He transferred all the photos of mine.. After that he gave my phone back... "I guess now you're happy.." He said.. I nodded but I saw saddness in his face..

"But you doesn't seems to be happy.." I asked... "I wonder you didn't doubt that why I didn't gave you your photos and chose you to act with me... Why?..." He said out of nowhere.. I was looking at him confused...


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