He was pointing at the freaking rancor.

"The rancor is Muchi?" Echo questioned in disbelief.

Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker return with their gear back on. "Gear up. We have to go after Muchi." Hunter said, putting his helmet back on. He then turned to Alona, placing his gloved hand on the skin by the gash in her forehead from the rock.

She hadn't even noticed the dried blood that had fallen in streaks down to her eyebrow. "Are you all right?" He asked, dropping his hand hesitantly.

Alona sighed. "Mentally, emotionally, or physically?" She asked, then frowned in thought. "Actually, they all have the same answer. That joke backfired."

Muchi roared in the distance. "Let's go." Alona announced, running ahead of the group.

They all stopped on a hill that had a great view of the Zygerrians fighting Muchi.

"What about them?" Omega asked, pointing to the other slaves that Alona freed. They were following them, unsure what to do.

"Omega and I will get them to safety. You guys get Muchi." Echo said, nodding to Omega. They lead them away from the chaos below.

The remaining group got down the hill and stopped a few yards from Muchi, watching her effortlessly take down the Zygerrians. Wrecker lifted his helmet onto the top of his head. "She's doing fine on her own." He declared. Muchi knocked out the last Zygerrian.

Or so, they all thought. The actual last Zygerrian flew in on the dragon. He landed on the ground, whacking its tail into Hunter's blaster. The blaster sparks and makes a weird sound.

Hunter was fed up. Alona watched him jump onto the dragon and tackle the Zygerrian to the ground. Alona ignited one of her lightsabers and cut the ferocious dragon's head off.

"I can take care of him. You three get Muchi." Hunter orders, pulling out his knife. The Zygerrian pulls out his whip and smacks the ground with it. Alona pauses, images of many whips made out of many different materials popping in her mind.

Tech grabs her arm and pulls her along.

"Any ideas how to stop that thing?" Wrecker asked. They stop behind a rock, hiding from the stray rancor.

Tech lets go of Alona's arm and pulls out his device. "Rancors adhere to a social hierarchy. You have to challenge the alpha for authority." Both Tech and Alona stare at Wrecker expectantly.

"Oh, that I can do." Wrecker grins, pulling his helmet all the way back on as he charges towards the rancor.

The battle for authority started off really strong, the two repeatedly throwing boulders at each other's heads. Then it turned into throwing and punching. It was the most entertaining thing Alona had seen for weeks.

Hunter walked over, having finally taken care of that Zygerrian. He stood with his arm pressed against Alona's. Their fingers grazed against each other's, but their hands never connected, much to Alona's disappointment.

Five minutes passed and the aggressive punching regressed to mere fist bumps from the both of them.

Echo and Omega finally returned, parking the speeder by Tech. They got off and watched Wrecker and Muchi. "How long have they been at this?" Echo asked, standing on the other side of Alona. He doesn't press his arm against hers, unlike Hunter.

"Too long. He's losing his touch." Tech hummed.

Wrecker and Muchi were both whining with every swing. Most punches weren't even making physical contact. Alona crossed her arms. "This is just pitiful." She smiled.

The Great War • HunterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora