1. First time in the suit

Start from the beginning

Fubuki pours water in Rover's bowl before she heads to her bedroom. Unlocking the suitcase it reveals the black and blue suit, blue metal mask, black chest piece, utility belt, black and blue pants, arms, claw-like gloves, digital spider-sense.

Fubuki could only look in amazement as she celebrating like a little kid on Christmas and thankfully no one was here to see it.

Moments have passed by as she was fully in the suit, looking at herself in the mirror.

Moments have passed by as she was fully in the suit, looking at herself in the mirror

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"Oh my God

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"Oh my God. This is definitely the best day of my life." Fubuki pretty much had to admit to herself. "Let's take this out for a test drive. Web-head was able to do this on his own, I can do it to. How hard can it be?"

Spider-man and Fubuki/Spider-BlizzardWhere stories live. Discover now