Chapter Twenty-Two

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TW: Brief mention of suicidal ideation

In a semi-sleepy state, a mix between the conscious and unconscious, Maya flung her arm across the bed, searching for Carina's body with her eyes still clamped shut.

However, she was met with a cold mattress against her fingertips.

She slowly cracked her eyes open, letting them adjust to the extremely dark room, realizing that Carina is no where in sight.

Maya pushed herself up from her stomach to a sitting position, scooting back to rest against her pillow and headboard. Rubbing her tired eyes, she attempts to wake herself up more, still feeling like she's in a dreamlike state.

Once she's sure that she would be able to get her body to move successfully without risking another injury due to her exhaustion, Maya slides out of bed, hopping on one foot in the direction of her crutches that are leaning against the wall.

Maya got the crutches into its correct position, making her way outside the bedroom in search for her wife.

She knew the tapping sounds would give herself away before she could even lock eyes with Carina, but she really had no other choice.

Her left leg throbbed, a sure sign that she's due for more pain relief, something that she's been taking to help manage the injury, the pain still present ever since the surgery.

It was nothing she couldn't handle.

Rounding the corner of the hallway, Maya saw an outline of a figure laying on the couch, causing the blonde to regrettably switch on the light switch, illuminating the living room.

Carina winced at the brightness, throwing her arms over her eyes to maintain the deep darkness that her eyes were accustomed to.

"Carina?" Maya questions, her voice laced with sleep, the raspiness very noticeable. She observed the pillow and blanket setup that her wife had made for herself on the couch. "What are you doing out here?"

"I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake you," Carina answers quietly and although she wasn't asleep before the light came on, the exhaustion is still apparent.

"That's crazy. I want you next to me," Maya replies, walking further into the room, and plopping down next to Carina's side, still maintaining some distance.

"You need sleep, bambina," Carina states softly, but Maya shakes her head.

"So do you," Maya argues. "And you're definitely not getting any on the couch."

Seeing no change in Carina's expression, knowing that she believes that she's doing the right thing, Maya adds to her words.

"Come on," Maya teases with a small smile on her face, trying to make one appear on the person in front of her as well. "It's our first night home since the accident. I know you missed our bed."

"I did. It's just...the nightmares won't stop...and I see the crash all over again. It's just..." Carina whispers, starting to get herself worked up, causing Maya to throw her a concerned look. "...they won't stop, Maya. The nightmares won't stop," she continues, tears starting to stream down her rosy cheeks.

"Hey," Maya says softly, not enjoying the sight of Carina so upset. She knows that the brunette has put in a lot of time at therapy to help resolve her issues with peaceful sleep, yet no matter what she does, nothing seems to work and it's starting to take a toll.

"Come here," Maya tenderly requests, opening her arms and gesturing for Carina to come closer, which she does, sliding her body into Maya's embrace.

Maya holds her tight, Carina resting the side of her face against her wife's chest, closing her eyes in an attempt to shield any more tears from escaping.

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