Chapter Nine

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It was the same as every night in regards to Maya not being able to sleep. She tossed and turned, not being able to easily switch her mind off.

Thoughts of Carina never fled her mind.

She saw with her own two eyes that she's okay. That Carina is safe and healthy, all things considered. But it didn't help to calm her worries that something will turn for the worst.

So by the time the doctors arrived for morning rounds, Maya got a total of two hours of good sleep.

But Maya's used to it. She barely rests during twenty four hour shifts.

With all her injuries in the mix though, she feels absolutely awful. Her headache is worse than the last few days, making the overhead lights cause her head to pound. Her muscles feel beyond stiff, but she puts that up to the fact that she hasn't left the bed in days.

At first, Maya wasn't sure why she didn't have to get up to use the bathroom, but then she realized the catheter attached to the drainage bag. She found it quite disgusting, but she isn't sure how she would be able to leave the bed to use the bathroom.

She wishes she could though. Maya's never wanted to run more in her life. She craves the feeling of her feet hitting the concrete. She yearns it.

It would help push away all her thoughts, but instead she's forced to sit and dwell on them.

"Maya Deluca Bishop. 35. Has three broken ribs, a broken femur, a broken tibia, and a grade three concussion," one of the male intern announces, looking down at his iPad.

"You still very much have a concussion, so you aren't cleared from Neuro yet, but from your latest scans, your brain is healing nicely and I assume that it will continue to do so," Amelia declares, Maya closing her eyes again to try and protect her eyes from the bright light.

She isn't trying to be rude. Maya's trying really hard to focus all her attention on the doctors, but her broken brain won't let her.

"You're cleared to have your femur surgery so i'll be scheduling it for within the next couple of days. Your ribs will need to be x-rayed at the end of the week to make sure they are healing properly," Link explains and Maya's plan comes to light again.

"Is there any way I can get the surgery done today?" Maya asks, her eyes still closed. She thinks that if she gets her surgery done today, she will be able to be reunited with her wife afterwards since she will also be in post-op.

"I can see if I can get it scheduled, but if there aren't any OR's open today, it won't be possible," Link states and Maya slowly nods.

"Hey, Maya, do you need more pain meds?" Amelia questions, assuming from the fact that Maya's eyes are closed and how her face is scrunched up in pain that something is bothering her.

"Please," Maya mutters.

"Is it your head?" Amelia asks and she gestures for everyone else to leave the room, which they do in a big group as they shuffle out.

"My head and my legs," Maya replies.

"Okay," Amelia says, walking over to her IV and pushing in another dose of morphine, seeing that she's due.

"Thanks," Maya mumbles and Amelia gives her a small smile, even though the blonde can't see it.

"Do you need anything else?" The brunette wonders as she heads toward the door.

"My wife," Maya states, cracking an eye open to see Amelia's look of pity. She quickly shuts them again.

"I'm sorry," she says, knowing that's not something she can do, even though she wishes she could. "Anything else?"

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