Chapter Four

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Moments after Maya was taken to the hospital, Carina followed in a different ambulance. She got morphine and felt the best she's felt since the accident.

Once arriving to the hospital, they got an x-ray for her left arm, confirming that she broke a bone right above her elbow.

Afterwards, they got her a head CT, declaring that she has a grade one concussion.

Carina was doing well, all things considered, until she threw up right as she was about to get her arm casted. Before she could even express her pain, she randomly passed out.

The doctors rushed her to a CT scan, confirming that she was internally bleeding in her stomach. It was from damaged blood vessels and they were relieved to see that the bleeding wasn't too bad and would likely stop on its own with bed rest and medication.

As for Teddy, the main doctor on her case, it was pretty traumatic to watch her friend go down like that. It was terrifying and for a while she was worried that something worse was going on.

Although internal bleeding is dangerous, there could have been worse outcomes.

While unconscious, they moved Carina into her own room within the hospital, getting the cut on her forehead stitched up and her arm in a cast.

Unfortunately with where the break is located, the cast had to go above her elbow, leaving Carina with a bulky, blue cast covering her whole arm.

They weren't sure what color Carina would choose, given that she's not awake to be able to make the decision for herself. So they chose a light blue, figuring that it's a pretty neutral color, but also isn't too boring like black or white.


The sounds of beeping is the first thing Carina picks up on as she begins to wake up. She presumes it's the heart rate machine, knowing that her last memory was heading to the hospital.

Opening her eyes, everything is blurry at first, causing her to blink. She brings her hands up to rub her eyes, but realizes that one of her arms feels particularly heavy.

Carina looks down curiously, seeing the cast on her arm, giving it an experimental lift and feeling the weight. She sighs, laying her head back.

Her head.

She notices that the pain isn't as bad as she remembers. It's like a small headache, not nearly as painful as the pounding beforehand. That's good, she thinks.

Carina tries to think back to the last thing she remembers before losing consciousness. There was the intense stomach ache, leading her to vomit.

And then it stops. She can't remember anything further from that point.

Thinking about all her injuries allows her to remember why she's even in the hospital to begin with and not on the beach in California.

She's supposed to be there. In the warmth and relishing in the happiness with Maya. Not in some dark hospital room by herself.


With all this uncertainty that follows, Carina knows one thing. She needs her wife. She needs to hear her voice. To see from her own eyes that Maya is alive and breathing. That she's still the person she knows and loves.

Without a second thought, Carina carefully climbs out of bed, pulling her IV from her hand with a wince, as she walks to the door of her room.

Her legs are so stiff, making even the smallest steps hurt. The pain in her stomach also increases with each movement, causing her to hunch over slightly.

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