Chapter Nineteen

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"Today is the day," Carina cheers quietly at the woman laying sleepily against her chest. Maya hid a smirk as she lightly shook her head at her wife's words.

"I don't want to get my hopes up," Maya admits, running her finger across Carina's shoulder blade from over top of her shirt.

It's a big day for the Deluca Bishop's, but Maya more specifically. She'll be getting her new x-rays for her right leg done, the one she didn't have surgery on, to see if the cast is able to come off for good.

And if it is, it's one step closer to relearning how to walk and that's the ticket to getting them both out of the hospital and back home.

"Are you still in pain?" Carina checks.

"Not in that leg. Sometimes my left has pain that shoots down my leg," Maya answers.

"Then look at the positive. If you are having no pain, it's likely that your leg will be at least almost healed," Carina assures and Maya nods, hoping that she's right.

"I really just want to shower," Maya sighs. "I mean, I want to walk too, but I feel disgusting."

"I know," Carina replies sympathetically, that complaint being commonly said by her wife lately. "You just have to be able to stand first."

"Will I have to stand in the shower the whole time?" Maya asks as she nervously bites her lip. She doesn't really trust her legs ability when it comes to their strength.

"No," Carina answers, placing a small kiss to the top of Maya's head. "You could sit in a shower seat, but standing is a good thing to attempt before you start to shower again."

"If I get my cast off today, will I start trying to walk again?" Maya questions and Carina shrugs.

"I don't know, bambina. That's up to your physical therapists," Carina says and Maya groans in response, frustration starting to fill her body.

"I just want to be done with this," Maya states as she rolls her eyes. "I've been stuck in a bed forever and I need to move."

"What did Diane say?" Carina prompts and Maya takes a second to think, allowing herself to calm down a little.

"That each small step is process and vital to my recovery," Maya answers, quoting what she has been told by her therapist at their last session.

Maya's been to only two therapy sessions as of now and Carina has seen small amounts of progress everyday. While she still hasn't gotten to a point where she's happy, Carina's been making it her mission to remind Maya of all the reassuring words Diane has told her during her sessions, which really seem to help.

"Esattamente," Carina nods.

"But i've been making no steps," Maya grumbles and the brunette shakes her head in disagreement.

"That's not true," Carina assures. "Each day you're putting in the work to get better. You're trying to eat at least one meal a day, which is amazing, and letting yourself rest. Both of those things are very important for your recovery."

"I know," Maya sighs.

"But don't be too hard on yourself if your leg isn't healed yet. It will heal when it's ready," Carina reminds and Maya nods against her chest.

"Will you shower with me when i'm allowed to again?" Maya asks, the tone of her voice coming out weak as if she's insecure.

"Of course," Carina answers, placing a small kiss to the top of her wife's head. "I'm here for every step."

"Thank you," Maya replies, feeling like she hasn't said it enough over these past couple months. "Thank you for being here and for helping me. I know i've been a pain in the ass, so i'm sorry."

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