Chapter Twenty-One

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Watching Carina pack up all their belongings into suitcases while Maya's just forced to sit back is beyond frustrating.

She still can't stand for long periods of time without her legs getting tired, and only being limited to one good leg doesn't help much either.

So when she tried to help Carina earlier, the brunette practically forced her to rest from the hospital bed with a warning expression she couldn't argue against.

Nerves filled her entire body, making her slightly tremble. Maya's stomach ached with familiarity of the anxiousness that plagued her the first few days after the accident.

She wants to go home more than anything. To be able to hold her wife without having to worry about doctors coming into the room and ruining their intimacy. She longs to sleep in their cozy bed. The pain in her back and neck wouldn't be as present.

Amidst all of her nerves and worries, she could tell that Carina was feeling the same way.

She was more reserved since finding out about the news as reality started to kick in. Carina wouldn't sit down, even with all of Maya's begging for her to rest. She needed to be moving at all times, and Maya assumes it helps take her mind off of everything going on.

And with the frown knitted in her eyebrows, Maya believes that her wife is deep in thought as she folds their clothes, placing it into the suitcase.

Maya's stomach grumbles, most likely reminding her to eat, but it wouldn't be possible. She knows that with all of her anxiety, anything that she consumes, will immediately be brought back up again.

She can't stomach anything right now.

Maya's so deep within her thoughts that she doesn't hear the knock on the door until it opens, revealing Vic with a small drawstring bag in her hands.

"I have your clothes," Vic states, walking further into the room and pulling Maya's outfit out of the bag, playfully throwing it at the blonde as the soft materials hit her straight in the face, having not seen it coming.

"Seriously?" Maya says in dissatisfaction, although, there's a small smile appearing from the corner of her lips.

While she wasn't really keen on the idea of company today, she has to admit, Vic's presence does make her feel a little calmer.

Maya unravels the ball that her clothes were scrunched in, seeing the sweatshirt and baggy shorts Vic picked out for her.

"This will be a fashion statement," Maya declares, noticing how the black athletic shorts won't match the baby blue sweatshirt very well. However, she needed shorts that would fit over her cast. "And this is Carina's sweatshirt," she adds, though, she isn't complaining.

Carina glances up from the suitcases for the first time in many minutes, pausing her work to look at the outfit Maya has in her hands.

"It was my idea," Carina admits nervously. "They say familiar and comfort items help with anxiety and well...we're going home today so I thought it would be a good-"

"Carina?" Maya interrupts Carina's rambling, getting her attention. "It's perfect. Thank you."

Carina smiles softly, but Maya didn't recognize it as a happy smile. She knows Carina well, practically inside and out, and she understands the meaning behind every grin, every smirk.

And this smile is telling Maya that she's tense.

While it makes her feel a little better knowing that she's not the only one nervous about the drive home, she doesn't enjoy the fact that Carina's struggling.

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