Chapter Fifteen

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Slowly, Carina turns the doorknob, walking into their hospital room. She sees that Maya is asleep, catching her by surprise. She didn't really know what she would walk in on, but she didn't expect this.

Carina tentatively goes to Maya's side, gently placing her hand on her forehead, searching for a fever without disrupting her sick wife.

It feels the same as it did a couple of hours ago, Carina assuming that means the temperature hasn't changed, which she frowns at.

Nurse Carter gave Maya some medicine in her IV, it should've brought her temperature down at least a little.

Instead of getting into bed and risk waking Maya up from the sleep that she desperately needs to help fight off whatever she has, Carina takes a seat in the chair by the bedside, debating on whether or not she should take Maya's hand.

She doesn't want to risk waking her up, and part of her, a small part, wants Maya to remain asleep to avoid her possible anger.

Carina sighs, rubbing her forehead, wondering what went wrong for them to be in this position. She has a few ideas though.

Very carefully, Carina takes Maya's nearest hand into her own, hoping that she's in a deep enough sleep because of the fever that she won't be woken up so easily.

Carina watches as she sleeps, sighing at how calm her wife looks, even with her pale face and rosy cheeks. It's a little nice having a break to not worry about Maya's mental health.

Because she's here and she's safe.

"I love you, bambina, and i'm not going to give up on you," Carina whispers, pushing a stray blonde hair behind her wife's ear.

No matter how stubborn Maya is and how frustrating she can be sometimes, Carina will never stop fighting for her.

When Maya can't fight for herself, she will.

There's a small knock on the door, Maya not flinching at the noise. Carina waits for the door to open, revealing Nurse Carter on the other side.

"How is she?" The woman kindly asks.

Carina turns to look back at her wife as if Maya's physicality will give her an answer to the nurse's question.

"I umm...i'm not sure," Carina replies, her voice full of uncertainty. "I just came back into the room. I had to step out for a minute," she adds, her voice trailing off towards the end.

"Well, I have her results," Nurse Carter starts, Carina perking up at her words, nodding at her to go on. "No infection, but she does have influenza B."

Carina let's out a sigh of relief. Although this isn't the best news, it could've been a lot worse, and she's grateful it isn't.

"With some hydration, food, and rest, she should be perfectly fine," the nurse declares.

"I checked her temperature with my hand a few minutes ago and she still seems warm," Carina admits, Nurse Carter going over to Maya's side, retaking her temperature.

"It's up just a little to where it was a few hours ago, so i'll get her some more medicine to hopefully help bring down the temperature," she explains, Carina nodding in agreement.

"Grazie," Carina smiles softly, the woman returning the grin as she leaves the room.

A few minutes go by of silence, Carina starting to get bored with no one to talk to. She debates on whether or not she should turn on the tv, but the last time she did, all she saw was news outlets talking about their accident.

She knows that their accident most likely wouldn't be on the news anymore now that it's been almost a month, but the thought of the possibility of encountering it, no matter how small the chance may be, is enough to turn her away from the idea.

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