Chapter Sixteen

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Carina has noticed how Maya has been staring out the hospital room window for the past ten minutes as she gets dressed into more casual clothing in opposed to the comfy sweatshirts she's been wearing.

She doesn't want to disrupt Maya's thoughts, but by the frown and pout plastered across her face, Carina knows that what she's thinking about can't necessarily be good.

And she thinks she knows what it is.

Once Maya's fever ebbed after three long days, her flu symptoms almost gone after a week, Carina decided now would be the best time to schedule her therapy appointment for.

She didn't want to leave Maya while she was sick, her mind not allowing her to be far just in case something were to happen, but now that the blonde isn't sick anymore, it's now or never in regards to leaving.

If she doesn't leave soon, Carina doesn't think she ever will.

And Maya isn't very happy about it.

They managed to schedule the appointment so Carina could do it in her office, that way she isn't technically leaving the hospital so she's prepared if Maya were to need her. Carina also asked for Andy to come visit to give Maya some company.

Even though it's only an hour long session, it's a long time for the couple to be away, having not been far from each other's side, besides the few days that they stayed in separate rooms and while Carina took a walk.

Even then she didn't leave the hospital. She barely left the room, choosing to pace in the hallway right outside of their room.

This would be the farthest and longest they've been apart since they've been reunited and Carina isn't really sure how Maya's going to react.

Her separation anxiety is still apparent, the blonde being very on edge even when Carina is in the bathroom to shower.

Maya has already been sedated multiple times since they've been admitted to the hospital due to her anxiety and Carina doesn't like the fact that she could be an added reason for that.

Glancing at the clock hanging on the wall, Carina's therapist should be here in ten minutes, meaning she has to leave to go to her office soon.

She goes over to the bed, sitting down on the edge, looking at Maya to see if the blonde would at least glance in her direction.

She doesn't.

"I have to leave soon," Carina says, hoping to get some reaction. Anything at all.

Maya remains silent, her line of sight still directed at the window, and if Carina didn't know any better, she would think that Maya's not even listening at all.

"It will only be an hour and Andy said that she's on her way so she should be here soon," Carina adds. She sighs as Maya moves to lay on her side, back facing her, as her way to completely shut her out.

It's been on and off lately on whether or not Maya would let her in. Some days the blonde would completely ignore her and others she never wants Carina to stop holding her.

Carina can't deny that the whole thing is starting to get confusing, not knowing what Maya wants from her most days. It's a guessing game and it's exhausting.

It also doesn't make her feel good knowing that her wife is trying to push her away. Part of her believes that it's subconscious and that Maya doesn't mean to do it, but sometimes she thinks that's her own excuse to push her anger with Maya away.

She doesn't want to be angry with Maya, but everything is so frustrating lately and she can't help it.

"Okay, since you aren't going to talk to me, i'm leaving," Carina declares, starting to stand up and walk out the door.

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