Chapter Fourteen

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Maya slept for eight hours straight because of the sedative, Carina just continuing to hold her, wanting to do something to make her wife feel a little safer.

Carina spent that day talking with their friends who came to visit, which would help take her mind off things just for a second until Maya would move a little in her sleep, bringing her right back to reality.

This reality. This terrible nightmare of a reality.

Amelia came to check on them multiple times throughout the day, offering Carina any food or company. She wanted to do everything in her power to help her friends feel better and to make this situation hurt just a little less.

When Carina heard a groan escape from the woman practically laying on top of her, she looked down, seeing tired blue eyes blink open.

"Hey," Carina says softly, a small smile forming at the sight of her wife finally being awake.

Maya doesn't say anything, just settling further into Carina's chest, if that's even possible.

Carina doesn't take offense to Maya's quiet behavior, she just assumes that she's still trying to adjust after hours of heavy sleep from the sedative.

The brunette places the palm of her hand on Maya's forehead, about to push back the loose hair from her ponytail, frowning at the heat coming from her head. "Are you feeling okay?" Carina asks, looking down at her wife, noticing how her eyes are already closed again.

Maya just simply nods, but Carina gets a gut feeling that she's not telling the truth.

Not wanting to alarm Maya, Carina slowly leans over and presses the nurses button. In the meantime, she runs her fingers through blonde hair, trying to do sooth her into another sleep.

Carina knows that rest is the best thing for Maya right now and between the craziness of these last few weeks, she hasn't gotten a lot of it. Neither of them have.

Before too much time has passed, Nurse Carter walks into the room, the sound of the door opening causes Maya to crack an eye open, making Carina sigh.

She didn't necessarily want Maya to be awake for this, aware that her wife might not be too happy with her request.

"Is everything okay?" Nurse Carter asks, noticing that nothing seems to be out of sorts with the couple.

There's been a lot of times where she's walked in on them during a slightly traumatic situation, like a panic attack or someone throwing up. This doesn't look similar to any of those times.

In fact, they appear to be almost calm to her. Almost the calmest that she's ever seen them.

"Can you check her temperature?" Carina asks, trying to keep her voice low in hopes that Maya doesn't hear her, but unfortunately, that's not the case.

"Carina," Maya groans. "I said i'm fine."

"I know, bambina," Carina soothes, keeping her voice soft to try and have Maya remain calm. "I just want to make sure. You feel warm."

Maya doesn't say anything else, a pout still plastered on her face. Carina hates the thought that she's upset with her, but she knows that her wife is just tired and grumpy.

The nurse wordlessly grabs a digital thermometer, holding up to Maya's forehead and pressing the button. The screen lights up red, beeping with the temperature showing up.

"What is it?" Carina asks when she sees the slight frown present on Nurse Carter's face.

"101.4" (38.6°C). Nurse Carter answers. "Someone is sick."

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