I could see that Daniel, what standing behind Fatime, so he was unable to see me. I ran over to where they were and I just went for Daniel, I wasn't going to fold back, one tiny bit. Nobody hurt my girlfriend! and get away that bloody easily. I smashed my fist into the back of his headband he falls to the ground. After a few seconds, he smiles and Daniel gets back up. I wasn't going to get scared from his douche. Who does he think he is. He just a stupid horrible piece of rubbish that deserve nothing. He tried to punch me in the stomach, but fails by missing by like 2 inches. Well we know he has a crap aim. This is going to really easy. He went back over to Fatime, and we getting really close to her, well he is so dead now. I walk towards Fatime, looking like I have finished with Daniel. Well that we he thinks he got another thing coming ;)

I couldn't hold all this anger and frustration in anymore. He started to touch her waist and trying to go lower. Daniel, I just wanted to say "Hey!" Before I had finished saying "Hey!" I had thrown a massive punch with had made just the most contact I wanted and intended on doing to Daniel face. With that, Daniel, was completely knocked out cold, and I grabbed Fatime, spun her around with me and I carried her bridal style towards the villa, I decided to make a quick stop at the castle for a little surprise. But just before, I made my ay with Fatime to the castle, I went to see Daniel to say, a last few words;


After, I said that I carried, Fatime bridal style, towards the castle, for the surprise. As we were walking, I heard Fatime, ask me to stop, so I did immediately and, placed her down on the grass. I sat down, each to her and then saw that she was shaking, was she cold. I took of my jacket and placed around her small cold body and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. She gave me a small smile, but it was normal like a normal beautiful one I get to see, most of the time. Where has my girl gone? I brought her closer to me, so that she was able to get a little warmer and let her feel more safer. The next words, broke me and my heart into millions of little tiny pieces;

"Justin. I'm so scared..."

"Shhh, baby, everything is gonna be alright.... I won't let anyone touch you or hurt you okay, that’s a promise."

Fatime, looked into my eyes and you could see all the pain and hurt in her eyes. After a few seconds, it was too much, for Fatime to take. She just burst into tears. I hated the fact that Fatime was feeling like this. It is heart breaking, not just me and for her as well. I wish, I could make all of this good away for good. I slowly calmed Fatime down a little by singing some lyrics from "Fall." That song is her favourite. After I had finished singing "Fall," I picked Fatime, up and carried her back to the villa, I decided not to go to the castle, as it was really late and we were both getting really tired. When we both got back to the villa, I opened the front door, to see Jazzy and Jaxon running towards us.

Jazzy, start screaming and asking to see if Fatime, was okay. Fatime, just started laughing and said yeaah she was. I am glad to see that she was smiling again. But I knew, inside, that she was hurting. I walked into the bedroom with Fatime and placed her on the bed. As I was, Jazzy and Jaxon came running in. Jaxon started to jump on the bed and Jazzy started a little while. I tried to calm them down, but they kept jumping and asking, if they could sleep all together. I looked at Fatime, to see if she like and was okay, with the idea of having the two munchkins in the bed with us. She just smiled and nodded her head to agree with the idea. I turned to look at the little munchkins and said "Yes, you may!"

"ok, thanks."

Jazzy and Jaxon climbed into the bed whilst I removed my shirt. Everyone got comfortable, As I was next to Fatime, one side and Jazzy was on the other side of Fatime, cuddling her whilst they both sleeping. Jaxon was laying next to me. Jazzy and Jaxon, fell asleep quiet quickly as they have been up most of the day out in Disneyland, and it was really late as well. I turned to look at Fatime, to said goodnight, but she was fast asleep, so I kissed her on her forehead an whispered "Good Night Beautiful!"

Someone Else's Not So Good Fairytale. [A Justin Bieber Love Story].Where stories live. Discover now