Legacy of Terror Aftermath

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Sorry, there hasn't been much Rex fluff or romance lately, but we'll get there I promise.

"I never thought that you'd be the one." You heard someone say. You open your eyes to what appears to be a medic room. You see Rex sitting in a chair next to your medic bed. He had his helmet on a table near him. He looks up at you and a look of relief shows on his face. "Hey, you're up," Rex said. He walked to your bed and sat down. Your head started pounding a bit. Rex's hand moves to your head and that's when you realize that you had bandages wrapped around your head and body. You were also wearing a hospital gown. He carefully tightens the bandage on your head and rests his hand on your cheek before pulling back. "How are you feeling?" Rex asked worried gaze on his face. "I'm fine. It's gonna take all they got to take me out of this war, but until then I'll keep fighting." You replied. "You are the most resilient general I've ever met." He said, chuckling at your reply. "And you're the most self-assertive captain I've ever met." You countered. At that, he smiles at you. "So, what'd I miss?" You asked. "It's one hell of a story. You still didn't miss much though." Rex assured. You sit upright and face Rex.

"After you passed out the Padawans were able to successfully destroy the droid factory, but were stuck under the rubble of the factory." You feel your heart drop. "Are they okay?" You asked. You assumed Skye and the rest of the Padawans were assigned to an assignment somewhere. "Oh, no, they're fine. We were able to find them not too long after. They're on their way to deliver food and supplies to Dantooine" Rex reassured you. You sighed with relief and were able to relax. "Once we officially won the battle on Geonosis there was some cleaning up to do and not to mention capturing Poggle." Rex continued. "You know, for the people who didn't get injured." He teased. "I didn't purposely get injured, Rex! Besides, I'd rather be with you." You admitted, not knowing the weight of your words. Rex stops and looks at you. Rex looks at you with his eyes widened and a blush creeping onto his face. Rex clears his throat and continues to retell the events. "Anyway, soon after general Unduli went to track down and bring back Poggle, but got caught in a sandstorm and had to hunker down in a temple she saw Poggle go into."

"While looking for Poggle she gets captured by what we presumed were Geonosians." You gasped dramatically. "What happened next?" Rex chuckled at you. "You'll find out if you let me continue." "Okay. I'm sorry continue." Rex continued. "General Kenobi, General Skywalker, and Cody all went to find her after the sandstorm dialed down." "So, you didn't go with them?" You asked. "No, but Cody filled me in on everything," Rex answered. "When they got there Luminara was gone with her only lightsaber left. After looking at a sculpture of a queen Geonosian, General Kenobi somehow put together that the queen must have taken general Unduli." "How did he figure that out?" You asked. "Cody said that there was a sculpture of a Geonosian no one recognized except General Kenobi," Rex explained. "Soon after they went into the catacombs, they were attacked by undead Geonosians that didn't stay down no matter how many times they shot them or cut them down." You decided to not ask any more questions so that Rex could finish the story. "They were able to find General Unduli after struggling with the undead Geonosians. General Skywalker wanted to go right ahead and attack the Geonosian queen with the Geonosians, but General Kenobi was able to convince him not to." You shook your head at Anakin. "Of course." You commented.

"After trying to reason with the queen to surrender she instead tries to take control of General Unduli's mind with a worm. You gave him a confused look. "The worm would go through the nose or ear and control the brain from there," Rex explained. "Gross." You commented. "General Kenobi instructed Cody and the rest of the clone troopers to flash on their helmet lights to distract them. They quickly free General Unduli from her bounds, capture Poggle, escape and bury the undead Geonosians and queen under rock," Rex finished. "Well, that sounded interesting and exciting." You said. "It would have been more interesting with you there," Rex admitted. You feel yourself blush and look away. You noticed how close he was to you and your heart starts beating faster. He leans in a bit, hesitantly resting his gloved hand on your cheek. "Can I kiss you?" He asked. You were taken back. Neither of you has ever been so bold or outright ask to kiss each other. You both leaned into the moment and it just kind of happened or at least almost happened.

But you weren't going to pretend that you didn't want to kiss him. "Yes." You answered. He slowly leaned in and softly pressed his lips onto yours. As soon as your lips touched his, you felt a flutter in your chest. You didn't feel or see fireworks fly or anything from the movies or what you heard, but you did feel a spark, it was almost electric and that felt better, more reassuring in a way. Maybe it was literal symbolism for the start of something. You pulled him closer to you, it was your first time experiencing physical romantic intimacy and you wanted more. He leaned in while tilting his head and running his hand through your loose hair, making the kiss deeper and intimate. His lips were surprisingly soft and gentle, making the kiss better. You could feel that his kissing intensity, was the type of intensity from long-held feelings. You felt your body heat up as the kiss continued. You both pulled back from the kiss panting a bit. Rex kept his hand on your cheek as he looked up at you. "(N)...." He started. The door opens and Anakin walks In. You could feel your cheeks burn from embarrassment. Rex completely pulls away, face bright red. Rex gets up, grabs his helmet, salutes Anakin, and briskly walks out of the door. Anakin pulls you into a tight hug. "Are feeling okay?" Anakin asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." You replied. "I was worried about you for a second," Anakin admitted. "It's gonna take a bit more than that to take me away from you." You said, softly hitting his shoulder. "How are Skye and the girls?" You asked. "Skye was reluctant to leave you in the state you were in, but they left a while ago. So, they haven't contacted us about anything so far. I'm sure they'd contact us if anything was wrong." Anakin informed you. "I assume there is somewhere we need to be." You assumed. "Yeah, Obi-Wan is waiting for us," Anakin confirmed. "Then let's go, umm could you help me up?" You asked. "No problem. I got you." Anakin said, helping you up off the bed and out the door.

Rex's point of view: I walk out of the door flustered and could feel my face burning. What was I thinking? kissing my General? I felt so much regret, but at the same time didn't. I was still a little relieved that they liked me back. I've had feelings for them for a while now, but it didn't start that way. At the start, I had genuine respect for them and didn't see anything more than at the most a small friendship. Then I got closer to them over months, built trust with them, and for the first time wanted something more than friendship with someone. I wanted someone to see me as something more than a soldier.

Taking a Chance :Captain Rex x Reader/or your OC fanficUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum