Downfall of a droid

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*oya means stay alive and mesh'la means beautiful.

You, Anakin, Ahsoka and the 501st are tasked with protecting Bothawui, a strategic planet from General Grievous. "Among our most recent losses was the battlegroup at Falleen. The separatist fleet commanded by General Grievous is headed your way." Obi-Wan finished explaining. "Seems like that coward always knows where and when to attack us." Anakin said angrily. "Your heavily outnumbered, Anakin I'd advise retreat." Obi-Wan pointed out. "If we run, the Separatists will take control of this sector. I can't let them do that."

Anakin expressed. "And that is your problem." Obi-Wan pointed out yet again. "Master Kenobi is right." Ahsoka voiced. You liked Ahsoka. She had energy, was a good Padawan, wasn't to reckless and she voiced her opinions. She still had a lot to learn still. "We should regroup. We don't stand a chance against--" "Ahsoka." Anakin tried to interject. "Suicide is not the Jedi way, master. Ahsoka finished. "Ahsoka and Obi-Wan have a point and if we do go through with this we should at least come up with a backup plan, instead of going in guns out and hoping for the best." You said, adding to what Ahsoka said with criticism.

"You should listen to your Padawan and General." Obi-Wan said. "As you listened to yours my old master? No, we are going to stay and fight." Anakin retorted. "And I think I know how to beat grievous at his own game." Anakin added. "here we go." You said sarcastically. As you walk through the bay area you walk side by side with Rex. "What do you think of our chances?" You asked Rex. "You're asking me sir?" He asked. You couldn't see his face because of the helmet, but he tipped his helmet slightly.

"No the wall. Of course you, I'd like to know your opinion on it." You asked. "Before I would have said 50/50 but since General Skywalker's addition to the plan I'd say we'd have a better chance now." Rex answered. "Good." You smiled. Rex probably needed to go do his part of the plan. "You probably need to go now." You said a bit disappointed. "yeah." Rex let out a small sigh. But right before he left you put your hand on his shoulder and said "Oya." "Right back at cha general." Rex said back. You both walked away to do your duties.

After Anakin successfully destroyed the malevolence warships with his brilliant plan and Rex, Anakin crashed his ship, but Rex was able to rescue him in time and brought him back on the cruiser. Now you, Ahsoka and Rex were all waiting for Anakin to wake up in a bright ass room. "What happened." Anakin groaned. "You owe Rexter your skin Skyguy." Ahsoka replied. "Just doing my job sir, It was your plan that saved the day." Rex said.  "Don't be humble." You said while grinning. "Grievous is AWOL, but his fleet of tinnies is nothing more than spare parts." Ahsoka hummed with a huge smug grin plastered on her face. "Ah good work, both of you." Anakin said groaning still. "Hey!" You yelled.

"How could I forget you, Giganta." Anakin said with a lazy smirk. "I'm not even that tall I'm the same Height as Rex!" It was true though, you were the exact height as Rex, if at the most a few inches taller than him. You could hear Ahsoka laugh and Rex chuckle. "Any way where's R2- D2?" "I'm sorry, master. He's gone." Ahsoka said with a sad tone. Anakin sighed, he was obviously deeply sad about this, I mean he's known R2-D2 for a long time, it didn't matter if he was a droid, he's helped on a lot of missions and had a huge personality you were going to miss him.

"Congratulations Anakin, Your resourcefulness always amazes me." Obi-Wan said through the hologram. "Thank you, master." He said, words dripping with sadness. "You looked troubled." Obi-Wan observed Anakin's face. "I lost R-2 in the field." Anakin confessed. "Well, R2 units are a dime a dozen. I'm sure you'll find a suitable replacement." Obi-Wan expressed with no emotion. "I could take a squad out there, track him down!" Anakin offered with the hope of Obi-Wan's permission. "Anakin, It's only a droid." Obi-Wan said with surprise in his voice, no doubt to Anakin's sudden and surprising attachment; to a droid. "You know Jedi attachment is not acceptable for a Jedi." Obi-Wan scolded. "To be fair R2 had crucial information on him that made him incredibly valuable." You said in defense of Anakin. Obi-Wan raised a brow. "What do you mean by that (N)." Obi-Wan questioned you. "How do I put this? I didn't wipe R2's memory." Anakin said reluctantly. "What? He's still programmed with our tactics and base locations? If the separatists get a hold of him... What possessed you not to erase the droid's memory?" Obi-Wan questioned Anakin. Ahsoka spoke up. "Master Obi-Wan, sometimes R2 having that extra information has come in handy." Good job Ahsoka, coming in for the save. "Well then find that droid, Anakin. Our necks might very well depend on it." Obi-Wan ordered. "Right away master." Anakin said in excitement.

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