Padawan's Lost

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"Ahsoka! Skye!" You yelled in desperation. You were in a battle on Felucia with Master Plo, his battalion, Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, and Skye, when Ahsoka and Skye disappeared after the battle. Now, you were searching for Ahsoka and Skye with Rex for the thirteenth time. "Skye! Ahsoka!" You yelled once more, your voice becoming hoarse. "Ahsoka Skye!" You yelled again, looking around. "(N), it's not going to work. You're going to lose your voice." Rex pointed out. "I don't get how we could lose them so fast! If they're not here they might be out there starving, wounded, or dying. I don't know how I let this happen, I could never forgive myself if something happened to them and it happened under my watch." You exploded, fighting back tears. No one else could hear your meltdown, since everyone split off on their own to find the Padawans. You felt an immeasurable amount of guilt and worry. It was your job as a master to keep your Padawan safe, now your two girls were force knows where possibly in danger.

"None of this is your fault, (N). They are both smart kids. Commander Tano can take care of herself and you taught Skye well. If anything they'll stick together." Rex assured you, holding you and rubbing your back. You knew that despite how calm he sounded that he was worried about them too. You watched Rex and Ahsoka's friendship grow over the years, you even saw him grow fond of Skye, her becoming part of the team that has grown stronger over the years. "I'm worried about them too," Rex added. You heard Rex's communicator beep. "Call everybody in, Rex. We're leaving." Anakin informed through the communicator. He even sounded frustrated.

You were pacing around in your apartment, in circles around your galaxy map. It was after dark and Rex was sleeping in the bed sound asleep. You were scanning and searching for possible places Ahsoka and Skye could be. "Where could they be?" You said to yourself in frustration. You could feel Rex behind you. "What are you still doing up?" Rex asked you with tired eyes. "Umm, I was just double checking, you never know." You said, laughing at your failed attempt at shrugging off the fact that you were still up around 10:00 PM looking for the Padawans. "(N), you need sleep," Rex stated. "I can't give up on them." You argued. "You're not giving up on them, you're getting the rest you need to look for them later. Rex said, with understanding. "You need rest." Rex persisted. "But I-" Before you can even protest, Rex picks you up and brings you to the bedroom. He lays you on his chest comfortably. "Fine. I'll sleep." You said in defeat, not protesting the idea of sleep anymore. "Good." Rex chuckled, rubbing your back. You are quick to drift off to sleep due to sleep deprivation.

You were sitting on the bed meditating. Over the years you have grown stronger in the force and have been able to use various forms of the force. "I'm heading out," Rex informed you. He was in his full suit of armor except for his helmet, which he held between his arm and hip. "Okay. I made some coffee for you." You told him. "Thanks. Love you." He said, giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Love you too." You said back. He puts his helmet on and walks away with his disposable coffee cup. And with that, you went back to meditating. You could use the force to sense anyone in the galaxy, you just weren't able to sense their specific location. That still didn't stop you from checking in on the Padawans. You could still check their health status from time to time, which put you at ease.

After Rex left you turned on your holo transmitter and contacted Mace. His blue projection popped up and his stern look melted away as soon as he saw your face. "What is bothering you, (N)?" "How did you know?" You asked. "I know my padawan, I know when somethings bothering you." He answered honestly. "How did you get over, as my master, worrying about me?" You asked nervously. "I never stopped worrying about you. I didn't let those emotions overtake me or control me. That is the key." He told you, teaching tone. His tone was void of his usual sternness. "You never seemed worried." You stated. "I was good at keeping that emotion to myself and controlling it. I knew that my teachings and lessons would help you in battle. Your skills and talents surpassed what others thought would be possible at your age. Trusting your Padawan is a part of being a master," Mace admitted. "Thank you, Mace. I think I understand." You replied. "Good, I'll see you soon. May the force be with you." Mace said. "May the force be with you too, Master." Mace smiled at you and ended the holo-transmitter call.

You left your apartment as soon as you heard the news. Anakin had told you over the communicator that Ahsoka and Skye came to the Jedi Temple on a ship with Wookiees. After you got there they both filled you in on what happened. "I'm just glad you're both okay." You expressed. You gave them both big hugs. "Thank you, Master (L/N)," Ahsoka responded, smiling. Ahsoka walked off with Anakin, leaving you to talk to your Padawan. "I was really worried about the both of you. I am so sorry that I left you and that you and Ahsoka had to do this by yourselves, I failed you." You admitted. "You didn't fail me, Master, if anything you helped me. Your and General Skywalker's teachings helped me and Ahsoka survive out there. It also helped us lead others." Skye explained. "And I just want to say thank you, Master." Skye expressed, bowing a bit. "Your welcome, my Padawan." You responded, bowing back. She walks off in the direction of the Archives and you walk to your youngling class.

"And they came back with a few bruises, but other than that they were pretty okay." You said retelling the events you heard from the Padawans to Rex in your apartment. "I'm glad they're okay." Rex expressed. "Mace was right. I can worry, but I shouldn't let it consume me. The teachings and lessons that they were taught will help them." You stated. "Now, you can relax." Rex expressed, holding your cheek in his hand. He then poured himself and you a drink. "Thank you." You said as you held the glass Rex gave to you. The Padawans were more than capable of taking care of themselves, they were older now, but you couldn't help but remember the young, small Padawans you both were tasked with teaching, watching them grow up was a gift in disguise.

Taking a Chance :Captain Rex x Reader/or your OC fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें