The Deserter

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After saving Master Koth with Anakin, Master Gallia, Rex, and Obi-Wan's planning, you are helping Obi-Wan track down General Grievous on Saleucami with Rex and Cody.

By now your wounds have healed up pretty well and after some training on your skills, you are no longer "rusty" as Anakin would say, even though you were just bedridden for half a week. "Instead of scattering our troops looking for all the escape pods, we shall head towards the wreckage of landing transport first," Obi-Wan instructed. You walk on the surface of Saleucami with Obi-Wan and Rex in search of Grievous.

"General (L/N)! Sir, the cruiser's returned to orbit." Rex informed. You were perched on a high platform. "Any sign of Grievous?" Rex asked. "I believe we've found Grievous's ship." You replied. You look on the horizon, to see Grievous's damaged ship.

"Thermal housing intakes are still warm. This couldn't have happened too long ago." Cody informed you and Obi-Wan. "The crew compartment's almost entirely destroyed." You turn around to see Rex walking down the destroyed ship with Hardcase. "We'll split into teams. Rex take Jesse, Hardcase, and Kix and search those wetlands," Obi-wan instructed. "Yes, sir." Rex complied, using hand movements to order the other clones to do the same. He looks at you for a moment before looking away. While, you were a bit upset that you wouldn't be assigned with Rex, thinking about everything that happened, it was probably for the best that you would be assigned a different group. "Cody, Crys, (N) and I will pick it up from here. And, Rex, if you get a visual on grievous contact us before you engage." Obi-Wan instructed. Rex nodded, putting on his helmet and swiftly jumping onto a speeder. "Rex is a smart man," Cody said. "Indeed. Always thinking on his feet." Obi won agreed. He's also self-assertive, confident, clever, and incredibly sexy, but you definitely weren't going to say that.

Rex's point of view: Me, Jesse, Hardcase, and Kix are driving speeders in search of General Grievous. I couldn't get my mind off of (N). I was just driven to them in a way I didn't think was possible for me. They made me question if I was willing to break the clone oath I took. I hear a shot ring out and I fall off my speeder. I feel the immense pain near my chest shortly after, everything turns dark.

Reader's point of view: "What do you have?" Obi-Wan asked Cody and another clone trooper. "We've broken the access codes and powered up the droid's guidance system. According to his memory logs.. "He fired the emergency thrusters on the escape pod to avoid a mid-air collision." Cody finished for the clone. "Collision with what?" You asked. "Another escape pod." The clone trooper answered. "There was no time to correct for the steeper glide path which is why this droid's pod crashed." Cody further explained. "Can you pinpoint the landing zone for the other pod?" Obi won asked. "I can put us within two to three klicks of it, sir," Cody told Obi-Wan. "Alert the men." You ordered. "We've picked up the scent." Obi-Wan cleverly added. You use the force to check on Rex and feel your heart drop when you felt nothing. What happened? Was he okay?

Rex's point of view: "What? What happened?" I asked.  What looked like the inside of a small shed surrounded me and my men. "Commando droids took a potshot that would've have gone straight through your heart had it been two inches to the left," Jesse informed me. "I can't move my arm." I groaned, feeling numb in my right arm. "You have some nerve damage," Jesse told me. "Understood. Now patch me up and let's get on with it." I urged. "Sir, you're in no condition. It will heal, but it'll take time." Kix persisted. "We're getting underway, Kix. That's an order." I ordered. I wasn't just going to sit here and do nothing, while my men were out fighting. "Sir, as the team medic when it comes to the health of the men, including you I outrank everyone," Kix said countered. "So I respectfully order you, sir, to get some-- I hear someone clear their throat. "Excuse me." A pink twi'lek stood at the doorway with a plate of fruit. "If there's not enough.." She started. "That's plenty. Thank you... uh." Hardcase started to thank the woman. "Suu." She answered. A small levitating ball enters the shed and goes under the table you are laying on. A child walks into the shed to retrieve the ball and her mother scolds her. "I told you to stay in the house." "I couldn't help it, Mom. It got away. The child stops and looks at me. "You look like my daddy." She said. I was caught off guard by her statement and made eye contact with Kix. "Don't bother the soldier. Now get inside with your brother." The woman urged her.. child. "Yes, Mom," She complied. "My husband is away delivering our first harvest," Suu told Jesse. "Do you require anything else?" She asked Jesse. "No. Thank you, Suu," Jesse thanked her. Suu walked away back to her house. "Resume the search without me. Jesse, you're in command. I'll be fine." I told them as I exhaled.

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