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"I am concerned that the Jedi have elected this child to lead the group," Tarkin commented. Anakin had left Ahsoka in charge so that he could protect our flank seeing that Obi-Wan wasn't here yet. You knew it was to see if she could handle it. "I've served with her many times, and I trust her, Captain," Rex responded, more respectively than you would have. "She is a skilled Padawan, don't underestimate her because of her age." You added. You were going to say that "child" has more talent, trustworthiness, and skill in her finger than he did in his entire body, but you couldn't be so obvious in your petty rudeness. You are a Jedi Knight now, a General and a teacher, you couldn't hand out insults left from right like you used to do when you were a Padawan. "Uh-oh." You heard Ahsoka say in unison with Skye. You turn the corner to see a wall of rock that appeared to be unclimbable. "Dead end," Rex stated.

"Look out!" Echo yelled. You backed up from blaster fire and take out your lightsabers with Ahsoka and Skye. After dodging and blocking blaster shots Anakin drops down from above to take down the droids. Just as he takes them down, more start climbing down with shields. "What happened? Why didn't you blow the wall? That part of the plan was your job." Anakin asked while blocking blaster shots. "I thought it was a dead end," Ahsoka replied. "If Master Plo really assigned you to this mission, he would have briefed you on the plan." Anakin fumed. "Hey! Let's focus on blowing this wall instead of arguing!" You yelled. Ahsoka went over to Rex to get the backpack filled with explosives. Rex shrugged it off his shoulders to hand it to Ahsoka. She ran other to the wall, planted some of the explosives then rolled them over to the commando droids with shields. You ducked near Rex right before both of the explosives went off. Once the dust settles you get up to see the wall blown to smithereens. "We should get moving." You prompted. Anakin nodded, motioning everyone to get moving.

"How much longer are we going to wander through this tunnel in the dark?" Tarkin questioned. "Captain Tarkin, haven't you learned to trust me by now?" Anakin asked. "You may have earned my trust, General Skywalker, but my faith in your comrades is still lacking," Tarkin answered, giving a brief moment to glance at you. "You lack faith in the Jedi." Anakin acknowledged. "I find their tactics ineffective. The Jedi code prevents them from going far enough to achieve victory, to do whatever it takes to win, the very reason why peacekeepers should not be leading a war." Tarkin explained. "I'm going to punch this guy square in the face if keeps talking." You whispered to Rex. No one could hear the conversation since you and Rex were behind everyone. Rex chuckled at you. "Easy, Tiger." Rex eased you, discretely rubbing your back. You didn't agree with all of the Jedi's rules, but they were still influential in the war. If only we didn't have idiot higher-ups who made idiot decisions, you thought. It would be better if some of the Jedi were on top. "I think I found a way out," Ahsoka told everyone.

You and the team run towards Obi-Wan while cannons and turrets are shooting at you. Before this when you and the team exited the pipeline, droids were waiting to ambush you and Anakin had to throw a grenade into the pipeline to destroy them, Now you and your team were getting shot at with turrets, good thing everyone was behind cover. "Sorry, I'm late." Anakin apologized to Obi-Wan. "How nice of you to join us." Obi-Wan joked. "Hey, better late than never." You pointed out. The ship is surrounded." Ahsoka informed everyone as the droids got closer. The ship was your only plan of escape. "We need to launch a full forward assault and take the vessel." Tarkin proposed. "We may have a bigger problem, those turrets. If we don't take them out, they will use them to destroy the shuttle and prevent our escape" Obi-Wan argued. "They would shoot us in an instant." You added. "Which is precisely why we should get aboard that shuttle and use the weapon systems to decimate those droids." Tarkin further argued. "Whatever we're going to do, we better do it fast," Anakin warned, he then pointed to incoming droids on scooters heading straight towards the group.

Taking down droids and dodging shots in the fight you spotted commando droids with shields joining the fight, one of them, after getting shot by Echo climbed onto a vacant turret. "General, (L/N), a droid is manning one of those turrets." Echo alerted you. "Anakin in the line of sight of the turrets." You warned. Anakin and Master Piell crashed right into the turret with his scooter, barely making a scratch after they jumped off. You look over to see Echo making his way to the ship to get closer to the turret. "Wait!" You yelled, but it was no use, he was already getting closer and out of earshot. The turret was aiming its sights on Echo. "Echo, look out!" Fives yelled, trying to warn his friend. Echo had just boarded the ship when the turret shot at the ship resulting in a big explosion of the ship and turret. After the explosion, you looked up to see no trace of Echo. "Echo!" Fives yelled. Everyone looked at what was left with distraught. Not only was your only escape gone so was Echo. "We have to go now," Obi-Wan ordered, droids still shooting. Everyone retreated to a run. You and Fives turned around for the last time to see that you were wrong. There was something left from the explosion. There was a helmet left, parts of it blackened by burns and a small flame upon it. Echo's helmet. You turned and ran back to the others, motioning for Fives to do the same.

Taking a Chance :Captain Rex x Reader/or your OC fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن