Landing at Point Rain

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Okay, so, my dumbass just found out that Obi won is spelled Obi-Wan not with an o I apologize for my ignorance. Less Rex and reader moments. Sorry :(

Geonosis was hot, unbearable and you hated the idea of going back there. You hated heat for as long as you could remember, but the Republic needed you to help retake Geonosis with your new Padawan, Skye. You didn't have a problem with that since you would be able to see Ahsoka and Rex again and the thought brought a smile to your face. "I'm so excited, Master!" Skye exclaimed, interrupting your thoughts. "Skye, this won't be all fun in games, stay close and stay aware of your surroundings." You warned. Skye nods but frowns slightly. You ruffle her dark beautiful kinky hair and smile at her. You always wanted a Padawan. You loved children, their wild imaginations and curiosity. Plus they were just so adorable!

"-Our invasion of Geonosis meets with success." You heard someone say as you walked into the room that overlooked the planet of Geonosis. "Hello everyone I apologize for my lateness. Meet my new Padawan, Skye." You said introducing your Padawan. "nice to meet you, little one. I wish we could meet under better circumstances." Obi-Wan greeted the little one. "My name is, Ahsoka Tano it's nice to meet you, Skye," Ahsoka said with a smile. "Nice to meet you too," Skye responded with a similar smile. "Are you ready for the battle, Skye?" Anakin asked. "Yes, Master Skywalker," Skye replied. "Ahsoka, contact the Outer Rim Command. We're ready for our briefing." Anakin told Ahsoka. "They're already waiting for us," Ahsoka informed.

"Isn't it risky committing three generals to one area of attack? If something went wrong, we could be dealt a serious blow." Chancellor Palpatine pointed out. "To ensure that rise again Geonosis does not, capture Poggle we must." Yoda countered. "Of course. As always, I shall leave the strategy to you, Master Jedi." The Chancellor complied. "Our thanks, Chancellor," Obi-Wan said. "May the force be with you." Master Windu said cutting, off the hologram transmitter. You never really liked Palpatine, there was something that was just so ingenuine about him, it also didn't help that Mace didn't talk about him positively around you while you were growing up. Rex, Cody, and another clone all walk into the room immediately after the hologram transmitter turns off. You're filled with immediate joy knowing that Rex was going to be involved in the mission, but you stay composed and focused. This was a mission vital to the Republic's victory after all you had to remain focused on the mission. "Good, Cody. These are the coordinates to the rendezvous." Obi-Wan instructed. "Yes, sir. When we hit the ground, we'll create a perimeter there. Getting past their defenses here will be the trick. General Mundi will come across the defensive lines from the north. We will make our assault through the middle. General Skywalker will make his attack on the defensive lines from the south, and we will meet at the rendezvous point at 0700 exactly." Cody explained. "If we meet with strong resistance and are forced down away from the landing zone, hold out until we join forces before attacking the shield generator. General Mundi told the group. "Their front lines are heavily fortified. Look at that giant wall with all the gun emplacements. That won't be easy to get past." Ahsoka points out. "Don't worry. We're not going anywhere near that." Anakin reassured Ahsoka. "Come now. What happened to all the enthusiasm I saw earlier?" Obi-Wan teased. "Don't worry about us. You just make sure you get yourself to that landing zone in one piece." Anakin teased back. "Yes. I shall be waiting for you when you finally arrive." Obi-Wan teased again. "Gentlemen, if you are quite finished, we have a battle to begin." Luminara interrupts. Being the only person focused at the moment. "Quite right. Cody, prep the gunships. I'll meet you in the hangar." Obi-Wan ordered Cody. "Yes, sir." Cody obeyed. You look over to see Skye introducing herself to Rex. You smiled at the two, watching as Rex awkwardly interacted with Skye.

You noticed Skye silently panicking and put your hand on her shoulder to ease her a bit. "Just keep a clear mind and breath." You said in hopes of reassuring the little one. "Okay." Skye complies, taking two deep breaths and having her face change to a focused look. Then the ship shakes violently forcing you to plant your feet and hang on for dear life as the ship crashes into the ground.

Taking a Chance :Captain Rex x Reader/or your OC fanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora