Mystery of a thousand moons and viruses Pt.2

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"Me'vaar ti gar?" means "How are you". Bear with me here a good chunk of this chapter is going to be story, but Rex is in this chapter closer to the end.

You, Anakin, and Obi-Wan are outside heading out to drop off Dr. Vindi at a prison. Hopefully, you'd come back in time to clean up and spend time with Rex. All of the sudden, you hear an alarm sound from the bunker. "The virus is liberated. You are doomed, young Jedi, along with the rest of the planet." Vindi cackles. Wait does that mean the virus has been released in the bunker? How? Then you hear an explosion and the ground shakes. You all get onto the ship. "Ahsoka, what is going on down there?" Anakin asked through the commlink. "the droids released the virus, but we managed to seal the lab." Ahsoka stated. "Are you okay? Are you infected?" You asked worrying that she'll say yes. "No, At least not yet." She answered not sounding sure at all. You try to feel Rex through the force and feel that he's anxious but okay. "And Padme'?" Anakin asked "Haven't heard from her since the bomb." Ahsoka answered. Hopefully Padme' was okay. She had that hazmat suit to keep her safe, the force willing. "Anakin, (N), can you hear me? Anakin?" Padme's voice was a relief to hear. "Padme' we're here. Are you alright?" Anakin asked. "Yes, for the time being. Jar Jar and I were in a safety chamber when the alarm went off. We're wearing protective suits." Padme' answered. "The virus is loose, but Ahsoka sealed off the entire facility." Anakin added. "yes, but any remaining droids will try to break out. I'll do what I can to stop them. I can not let that virus escape." Padme' said filled with determination. "Be, careful." Anakin warned Padme'. "Don't take any unnecessary risks." You add.

"Where's the antidote Vindi," Anakin said as he held his lightsaber to the mad doctor's face. "You mistake my role, Jedi. My job was to manufacture a plague, not cure it." Vindi said with a laugh. "We don't have time for games," Anakin said. "Patience Anakin. There's more than one way to skin a wombat." Obi-Wan urged Anakin. "I said, where?" Anakin repeated pushing the lightsaber closer to Vindi's face. "Yes, kill me now and spare these old bones the blue shadows dire embrace, because once the first droid breaks out of that laboratory, all Naboo is doomed!" Vindi declared. "Anakin threatening is not going to work this time." You said trying to urge your friend from his anger. "Anakin, the fastest way to save Senator Amidala and Ahsoka is to get Vindi back to the capital and find the actual antidote," Obi-Wan added. Anakin lowered his lightsaber and fastened it back to his belt.

Once at the capital, the three of you brought the doctor to the admiral. "Dr. Vindi, you'll pay for your treachery. Take him away" The admiral ordered. The two guards standing next to him grab Vindi and walk off. "Now we'll need to find an antidote," Obi-Wan said. "I think I found an answer for you." The admiral replied. You all enter the communication room or what you assume is the communications room. "So, you think you found a cure?" Anakin asked sounding very relieved. "Possibly. A little-known extract made from reeksa root, a weed-like vine found only on lego, the world of a thousand moons, deep in Separatists-controlled space." The admirable informed. "Great let's go." You said. "Yeah, let's move on," Anakin added clasping your back. "You must move cautiously if you-- "There's no time for caution. My Padawan is trapped down there, and so is Padme'." Anakin interrupts the admiral. Obi-Wan gives him a look and puts a hand on his shoulder. "I mean, Senator Amidala." Anakin rephrased. "I applaud your courage, General Skywalker, but it's suicide," Admiral warned. "Once we contain the virus, we can send troops." Admiral advises." "No, Obi-Wan, (N) and I can handle it." Anakin insured shrugging off Obi-Wan's hand from his arm. "I concur Anakin." Obi-Wan agreed. "There are people in danger and a possibility of the virus getting out, if a droid makes it out of the bunker, admiral, so we have to hurry, but thank you for the concern." You insisted. You all walked away towards the ship.

"Padme' and Ahsoka will be fine." Obi-Wan assured Anakin. Even though Obi-Wan was talking to Anakin and not you, you felt reassurance. At least you all knew where you were going. "They will be if we succeed," Anakin said grimly. Anakin could be pessimistic, while you were kind of a realist and looked at both sides of the spectrum. You pat Anakin on the shoulder for comfort. He gives a small smile, but resumes piloting and turns on hyperspace.

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