Sweet Dreams

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Author notes: Cyar'ika means sweetheart. This chapter might be a bit cringy compared to the others.

You walk into the Jedi cruiser and are surprised by the amount of people on there or the lack of people. You walk into the communications room and find Rex. "Hello, Rex." You sang happily. "Hello (N)." Rex said with a smile. "What are you so happy about Rex?" You asked a bit surprised at how happy Rex seemed. "Well, you're here." He said looking deeply into your eyes. You were a bit taken back. "Rex, what do you mean by that?" You asked blush increasing with every second that passes. "You make any day a better day, Cyar'ika." Rex said as his hand slipped onto yours. "You're unlike any other Jedi I've ever seen before. You're sarcastic yet compassionate, I admire you're strength and resilience. I've never felt this way about anyone." Rex said as he gently lifted you're hand to his lips and tenderly kissed it. You barely understood what was happening, everything was happening so fast. "I want you to be mine, and I want to be yours." Rex said still looking deeply into your eyes. "How do you feel, about me? Or the real Rex." He said, caressing your check gently. "I-I'm not sure." You confessed. You quickly understood that this was a dream, but you still seriously thought about it. Did you like Rex? mean all you did was think about spending time with him, getting to know him and being close to him, anytime you were around him you got all warm and fuzzy, but did you want to risk a relationship? An attachment could be dangerous and have deadly repercussions, but you were good at controlling your emotions and have constantly trained on controlling them. If it ever came to Rex... dying you knew you weren't going to go on a murdering rampage, but you would still mourn him. You never get to finish your thoughts though. "(N)." Rex said. You look into his golden-brown eyes, almost drowning you in. You pressed your lips to his, moving to put your hands on either side of his face to pull him closer. His lips moved easily with yours as if you both had done this a thousand times and were familiar with each other movements. Rex let his lips glide over to your jaw, making his way to your neck, then.....

You wake up face blushing deeply and body sweating. You pant heavily from the intensely hot and heavy dream. You get up from your slightly damp covers and head off into the bathroom that's connected to your bedroom.You turn on your shower and kept the tempature cold. You strip down and step into the shower. You thought this was a good time to finish your thoughts about Rex. You knew that this wasn't lust or a want for a one night stand. You wanted more than that and you were guessing that Rex didn't want that either, though you didn't know exactly how he felt either other than that. But you also knew that this wasn't love at least not yet. You didn't believe in love at first sight. Even though Anakin after kept preaching about how he was so in love with Padme' after only a few days and that It was true love. You still didn't believe it. You knew that because you've felt this before, not like however you were feeling now, but similar in a way for Padme'. The first time you met her, you were so overwhelmed by how pretty and nice she was that you couldn't help, but to have a crush on her. The crush faded with time and you and Padme' had more of a sister relationship, one you were happy with. If you were to truly think about it you did feel that you craved to spend quality time with him and do things similar to what happened in the dream, but maybe take it a bit slower. You turn off the shower. You step out of the shower still dripping wet and grab a towel to dry yourself. You walk over to the mirror above the sink, look at your reflection and face facts. You had a crush on Rex. You liked Rex, more than any Jedi should like anyone.

I walked through the communication room near the barracks and stopped when I saw (N). "Good morning, General." I said trying to stay professional. "Rex I said you can call me (N), especially if we are alone." (N) said with a smile. I can already feel the blush growing on my face, so I turn away and avoid eye contact. It's like everything (N) did that was even remotely flirty made me blush immediately. "You're so cute when you blush. It makes me wonder how someone can be so sexy and yet be so cute at the same time." If I weren't blushing that much before I was definitely crimson at this point. "S-sir?" I asked slightly stuttering . (N) was never this forward or aggressive it was just surprising. As I looked around I noticed that there was in fact no one around, but I swore that I just saw Fives before I started to talk to (N). Was this a dream? "You truly are an amazing person, Rex." (N) said looking deeply into my eyes as (N) rested their hand on my hand. "You make me feel elated and happy. You are such a good person, heart made out of the purest of gold, ready for a fight anytime anywhere, and that is why I like you so much." (N) confessed as (N) cupped my face with one hand and moves her other hand to my chest. "I just have to confess, I can't get enough of you. Spending time with you is the highlight of my day, anytime your around it's enough to lift my spirits." (N) said. "what do you feel for me, cyar'ika?" (N) asks squinting their eyes a bit. "What do you mean?" I asked, still puzzled on what was going on. "Do you see (N) as more than a friend and a General?" (N) asked again. "I don't know." I confessed. I never felt like this before about anyone, let alone a Jedi who was my General. I was confused, I had no idea what I was doing, but I did know that I cared for (N), I just didn't know if this was love or not. "Well, I'll make it easier for you. Have you thought about kissing and doing further intimate things with the real (N) that you shouldn't with your General?" (N) asked. I feel my cheeks warm and cover my face. I have thought about holding her and kissing her, but I never thought of anything further than that. "Maybe you could show me what you want to do with her." My eyes flick down to their lips. It was a dream, I might not get the chance in real life to do so. I lean into (N), hesitating despite the fact I knew it was a dream. (N) meets me half way, pressing into my lips with no hesitation. we both started to kiss each other with more intensity, becoming more desperate in the intimacy. Pressing more into each other until...

I wake up flustered with blush on my face, breathing heavily. I immediately go into the communal bathrooms to splash my face with cold water. Why was that dream so intense, and why with (N)? Maybe this was a sign, but it was against the rules, I could get court marshaled. I didn't even know if (N) felt the same, what could I mean to them? I was just a clone Captain, but I couldn't help but think about them all the time. I thought about talking with (N) for hours, more than I already did, I thought about holding (N) and kissing (N). Anytime I thought about them it made me happy. I liked (N), like no clone should like their General.

You were waiting for Padme' to answer her hologram transmitter in your bedroom. Biting your nails and tapping your feet while you still were anxiously waiting for Padme' to answer. You started to pace a bit until you heard her answer. "mmm, (N)." Padme' said as she yawned "It's so late." She added sounding very tired. "I know, I know and I'm sorry, but it's important." You apologized. At this Padme's face had gone still and serious. "What is it? Are you alright? She asked worry on her beautiful features. "No, no I'm fine-" "Is it Ani?" She asked her worry growing. "No he's fine, It's-I.. You pause to gather your thoughts. "There's this guy.. No man." You said pausing once more. Padme's worry quickly changes to excitement. "A guy?" She asked grinning ear to ear. "Yes, and he's brave, funny, attractive and.. I care about him a lot." You said dreamily. "Yes keep going." She urged you excitedly. "And I find myself looking at him all the time, I try my hardest to find time in missions or battles just to talk to him, he's just so amazing and I don't know what to do." You said as you flopped onto the bed face down. "Aww, (N)." Padme' said as she looked at you with empathy. "I want to be with him, spend time with him, learn more about him, but their are rules, Jedi can't have attachments- "(N)-" "What if someone found out? I would be kicked out of the Jedi order or what if I turn to the dark side- "(N)!" Padme' repeated. She must have called your name five times. "It's alright, It's normal to have these feelings- "but I am a Jedi, there are risks." "I know, and I know your scared, but don't let fear guide your decisions and besides you are great at controlling your emotions, better than Anakin, I've seen you! When Xenia died you worked harder than every as a Jedi and you couldn't have made me prouder. You have the right to live you life, (N). Me and Anakin thought about the same things you are thinking about right now. Life is to short to think about what ifs, so you have to live everyday like it's your last." Padme' said as she looked into your eyes. "Thanks Padme', you're the best." You thanked Padme' and as you were about to end the call she stopped you. "Wait, I forgot to ask. Who is this guy you are falling head over heels over?" She asked tilting her head ever so slightly. "His name is Rex, Captain Rex." You answered. "Oh, a Captain." She teased. "Yes, he is also a clone." You add. "Oh, does that bother you?" Padme' asked in a serious tone. "No, no, I've never really cared about that, plus he looks and sounds different than any other clone." You answered. "Alright then, I've got to go to bed and get some sleep before I get back to work." Padme' said as she yawned once more. "Good night." You said, apologetically "More like good morning." Padme' groaned as she looked at a clock. "Sorry." You apologized. "It was worth it to talk to you, we haven't had a heart-to-heart in a while, but really I have to go to bed." Padme' said with a small smile. "Okay, okay I'll let you go, love you." You said. "love you too." Padme' said as she ended the hologram transmitter call.

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