Mystery of a thousand moons and viruses

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You, Ahsoka, Anakin and Obi-wan are being sent to find separatists on Naboo, but since Padme' and Jar Jar disappeared You and Ahsoka were sent to head out with the Gungan Peppi Bow to try and look for them at their last known location.

"Dis da ship belonging to them." Peppi said pointing at the ship with her staff. "So where are they?" Ahsoka asked. You were all riding a round animal to the last spot Padme' and Jar Jar were. You all hop off when you reach your destination. "Their tracks end here." Ahsoka pointed out. Peppi than gets high off the ground, that's when you notice a camera scope beneath her. "Peppi, it's a scope. Don't let them see you." Ahsoka says as she tried to stay out of the scopes view. You jump out of the camera's view behind a tree trunk motioning for Ahsoka to do the same with Peppi. Ahsoka then jumps and pushes Peppi off the scope behind the same tree trunk.

"Master, are you there?" Ahsoka asked into her commlink. "Did you find her?" Anakin asked back. "Negative. I'm pretty sure she's in the lab. The whole area is wired with pressure sensors. There's no way to get in without being detected. But I'm more than happy to- "Do not attempt to get inside. Obi won interrupted Ahsoka. "I need you to detonate a bunker bomb at the south end of the facility. It should cause a nice distraction and seal off the bomb area. While we come in through the hatches." Obi won instructed. "You can count on us." Ahsoka obeyed. "Rex and his men will be right behind you both. They'll have your backs." Anakin added. Yes! Rex was indeed helping on the mission. Hopefully there will be time to talk with him outside of battle, although that would be a bit harder now, because of the dream you had involving him. "Good." You said trying to show no excitement. Anakin gave you a knowing smirk before ending the call.

Ahsoka, under the cover of darkness uses the force to move a bomb over the bunker, activates it and makes it explode the top of the base to make an entrance. You see ships over head going past you and onto the different part of the bunker. "Meesa come too?" Peppi asks. "You should stay here." You suggested. "Yeah, stay here and make sure no one escapes." Ahsoka ordered. You both sprint off, pull out your light sabers and dive into the hole. You block incoming blaster fire from droids and feel Rex's presence behind you. As much as you wanted to talk with him it would distract you from battle, any other time it would probably be okay but you were hardly remaining composed as it is, and you haven't even talked to him yet. You and Ahsoka easily sliced the smaller battle droids and proceeded to move forward. "Forward! Come on!" Rex ordered behind you as you all moved forward buying time for Anakin. Then Battle shield droids came in. "Fall back!" You and Ahsoka yelled in unison. One of the clone troopers got shoot as more droids came in.

"I can't hold them." Ahsoka grunted visibly growing sore from having to block the same shots from the same droids. A low rumbling was heard and the ceiling started to crumble on top of the droids. Out came Obi won from the dust. "need some help." Obi won said with a smile. "Oh, so good to see you, Master Kenobi." Ahsoka sighed happily.

"Things are going well. The lab is secure, and hopefully Anakin has reached Padme' by now." Obi won said while sprinting with you and Ahsoka. "hopefully." You responded. You all get met with more battle droids, great. "I'll get the bombs." Obi won said as he rushed off with some of the clone troopers. "We'll keep the droids occupied." Ahsoka said while blocking blaster shots.

"Ahsoka, (N), we've got a situation. Send all the clones to search the facility. We've got a miss- "Master?" Ahsoka says shocked to meet up with Anakin so quickly. "We've got a missing bomb and a trigger-happy mad doctor on the loose." Anakin informs both of you. "Missing bomb? I saw Dr. Vindi give a little droid a bomb." Padme' interjects. "You guys split up. Find that droid." "Want me to come with you?" You ask. "No. You can stay with Ahsoka." Anakin ordered as he raced to hunt down the mad doctor. This was probably Anakin's way of being a wing-man in battle, without being too obvious. "You heard him. Let's move. " Ahsoka said. You all sprint to find the missing bomb.

"Ahsoka, (N), I found the last bomb." Padme said through the commlink. "Stay there, We'll get the bomb squad." Ahsoka replied.

"Deactivated. Plenty of time to spare." The clone trooper from bomb squad said. You let out a relieved sigh. Jar Jar faints, you catch him and gently put him down. You quickly turn to Rex and inevitable smile shows on your face. "Good to see you Rex." You said still smiling. "Good to see you too general ." He said smiling with you. You can practically feel Padme' smiling at you. Rex couldn't see her due to the fact that his back was turned to her. "Is that him?" Padme' mouths. "Yes." You mouth back blushing a bit. Anakin quickly interjects. "Ahsoka, are you there?" Anakin asks through the commlink. "I'm here master. The bomb has been deactivated. Did you find Vindi?" Ahsoka asked. "Deactivated as well. Have you seen Padme'?" Anakin asked. "She's right next to me. Me and (N) are okay too. Thanks for asking." Ahsoka said. "How have you been general?" Rex asks. "I've been fine. How are you? You ask as you put your hand on his shoulder. Rex contemplates for a moment but answers. "I'm fine too." Rex said smile fading a bit. "Wanna check the perimeter with me before I go?" You asked. This was a conversation that was probably meant to be made in private . "Sure general." Rex answered.

You both walk down the halls of the bunker and notice no ones around. "So, are going to tell me what's really going on?" You ask. Rex's looks surprised at your question looking at you with widened eyes. "I don't need the force to know that somethings bothering you." He still doesn't say anything avoiding eye contact. "I know we aren't necessarily close." You said pausing to grab his hand. He flinches but doesn't move his hand. "But I would say that we are good friends, and if you don't feel comfortable telling me what's bothering you that is perfectly fine, but just know that I'm here If you need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on." You said with a small smile to reassure him and give his hand a little squeeze. "Thanks (N)." He said squeezing your hand back with a small smile on his face. "There we go, well I have to go and meet Anakin and Obi won so, I unfortunately can't help with cleaning up but we'll be back soon." You said. "How convenient." He said with a smirk. You wave and turn to leave with Anakin and Obi-wan.

Taking a Chance :Captain Rex x Reader/or your OC fanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt