Storm over Ryloth

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ner, means mine in term of possession. Hibir means pupil or student. Together it all means my student. Sorry, I took so long I was doing my best to make it not cringy as possible. Updated this chapter. Sorry, it was so cringe before.

"Hey, Snips. This is it, your first command. Don't be nervous." Anakin reassured Ahsoka. "I wish everyone would stop saying that," Ahsoka said. "Anakin is only saying that because he was so nervous when he first commanded." You said, trying to lift Ahsoka's spirit. "really?" Ahsoka asked with a smile. "Yes." You answered. "No, I wasn't," Anakin said, trying to defend himself. "Yes he was, he was pacing everywhere and sweating up a storm!" You remarked. "Can we get back to our Padawan?" Anakin asked. "Yes, yes of course." You answered. "The men you're commanding are depending on you with their lives," Anakin stated. "Thanks. That takes the pressure off. If I wasn't nervous before, I sure am now." Ahsoka replied. "Hey, I have faith in you, we have faith in you. We wouldn't send you out there if we didn't think you could handle it. May the force be with you." Anakin said. You add a smile for reassurance. "Do what you feel is right and trust your gut. You're going to do great ner hibir." You said encouragingly.

Ahsoka was back from her flight with the fleet. The attack did not go as planned and Ahsoka refused to listen to the admiral, Anakin, and you. As a result, she lost many men, the cruiser was severely damaged and the admiral was gravely injured. "Ahsoka, I am very disappointed in you. You not only disobeyed the admiral, you disobeyed me and (N)." Anakin scolded. "I thought I could knock out those battleships so when Master Obi-Wan arrived, he could get through," Ahsoka explained. "You were trapped, while your intentions were good it doesn't change the fact that you still had orders." You added. You hated scolding Ahsoka, you were much better at being good cop than bad cop when it came to Padawans. "We both know you meant well, Snips, but there's a bigger picture that you're not aware of. First rule of war, listen and obey your superiors." Anakin explained. "But sometimes you get carried away." Ahsoka voiced. "All that means is that I understand what you're going through." Anakin elaborated. "But I failed," Ahsoka said sadly and bitterly. "It was a trap, Snips. It wasn't your fault" Anakin said. "I lost so many pilots," Ahsoka said. "Take heart, little one. That's the reality of command." Anakin admitted. "You'll learn soon enough." You added.

You then feel Rex behind you, his shining halo bringing a smile to your face. "Generals, we're approaching our staging area," Rex informed you both. "Very good, captain." You both said in unison. "Master Windu is requesting a report on our progress." Rex further informed. "Our progress, huh? Well, we haven't made any progress yet." Anakin responded. "I'll tell him, sir," Rex said, about to walk away. "No, Rex, I'll tell him myself. Thank you. As soon as we tend to our wounded, get me a damage report." Anakin told Rex. "Right away, sir," Rex responded. "I'm gonna go ahead and go with him." You said pointing in the direction he left. "Of course," Anakin agreed.

Kriffing Hell that man is fast. Was he speedwalking or something? You finally catch up to him. "Hey." You said, trying to catch his attention. "Hey (N)," Rex replied with a small smile. After a long pause of silence, you finally speak. "I've missed you." You admitted. It had been a while since you've seen Rex. It had been at least a few months. You missed your talks with him, the way he looked at you. You hoped that your statement wasn't too bold. Rex halts and looks at you for a second, eyes widened, making your heart stop. "Missed you too," Rex said holding your gaze.

"(N)." Anakin was calling you through your commlink. You cleared your throat. "Excuse me for a moment." You said. You walked a few steps away from Rex so that he was out of earshot. "Yes?" You asked, slightly irritated. "It's Master Windu, he requests that we report our progress now," Anakin informed you. "I know from being his Padawan that you shouldn't make Mace wait." You said. "You should probably bring Rex with you," Anakin suggested. "Alright, we'll be there soon." You said as you ended the call. "We should get back." You said. You both walked briskly to the communications room to avoid being chewed out.

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