"Sorry," I said again, thanking Jeremy as he handed me a tissue.

"And what about you, James." The teacher asked, forgetting of course my nickname. Only my grandmother called me James. "What do you care about?'


"Ummm, I care about my friends."

Kenny hooted. Sammy actually smiled at me. And Jeremy, Jeremy said out loud, loud enough for the whole class to hear. "Back at you, babe."


We joined a crowd of people heading towards one of the largest quads. We knew they were holding a big freshman get to you know event for our major. We'd all agreed to go in for Biology, since Jeremy knew he wanted to go premed, Kenny wanted in on the tech side of medicine, Sammy wanted to work in marine biology and I wanted to cure that bitch cancer that killed my baby cousin. So it was cellular biology for me.

We used to be just science geeks, but now we were hot science geeks.

The four of us sat on a tiny patch of grass in a crowd of people like us. But I will say, it was weird. Before in high school, no one gave us a second glance, even when Kenny was as loud and as obnoxious as he got sometimes. But today, I kept seeing girls check us out. Check me out. No one had ever done that. Ever.

It felt incredible.

"What the hell are they doing up there?" Kenny murmured, craning his neck. He sat up on his knees, to get a better view.

"You're getting grass stains on your hundred and twenty dollar jeans," Sammy remarked, eating his packed turkey sandwich. Jeremy and I laughed to see Kenny screech, stand up, and frenziedly brush his knees.

"Yes you! You! Loud kid!! Come up here!!" It was someone's voice using a microphone. Beckoning the baby boy of our foursome.

"Come with me," Kenny moaned, and to save him some embarrassment, we decided to all be embarrassed together.

"Wow...what do we have here?" A girl on a makeshift stage, with a clipboard, put a hand to her ample chest and looked out onto the sea of freshman faces. "A squad of hotties? Who are you and did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?"

There was a resounding sound of laughter from the crowd. All of us preened a little. Not every day you were complimented like that by a beautiful girl in front of hundreds of kids your own age.

"We're... uhh... we're...." Kenny panicked and looked at us. A name? A group name? What the hell? Where was Stella when we needed her?

"We're the Boardwalk Bros," Sammy said into the microphone, his trademark unemotional tone at odds with the cheer that went up from the crowd. "I'm Sammy, the grumpy one."

Kenny grabbed the microphone. "I'm Kenneth, the hyper one." He jumped up and down like a pogo stick to prove his point, but then froze and posed. "Still hot though."

"And you are?" the announcer said breathlessly, eyeing up Jeremy.

"Can't you tell," my best friend said in his deep sexy voice. "I'm Jeremy, the bad boy.'

"Oh my god, you are indeed. And you, tall boy, what's your name?"

"I'm Jimmy." I wondered what the hell was happening. Girls screamed my name. "I'm uh...the...normal one, I guess."

"He's our handsome prince," Jeremy said, and kissed me on the cheek. Which made the crowd go nuts.

"Well, now that we've met all of the Boardwalk Bros, are you guys up for a few games? I'm Nelly by the way, a Senior Biology major, in charge of Freshman orientation." She held out her hands as people cheered her. "I know, I know. I'm super awesome. Remember me when it's time to hire a tutor okay? I may be a beautiful babe.." She twirled around, showing off her legs in a short short skirt. I licked my lips. She really was. "But I also have straight A's and have early acceptance to Stanford Med school!!"

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