I had never had anyone look at me the way he did then. I was so used to seeing hurtful and disgustful looks from my siblings and even the people at school. It was honestly unsettling. 

"So, Tahlia, I heard you were at the party on Friday night. And you met my little brother Elijah. Tell me, what was it like?" I knew exactly what this boy was hinting at. He was the one that had whispered about me, anyways. 

And from the embarrassment shown on Elijah's face, I knew he had been preempting this question.  "We didn't" was my response. Who cares? I'm 14 and I assume Elijah is at least 15 or 16, so why does it matter? Even if I had feelings for him, why did it matter to these boys?

"I don't even know your names, to start off with, so that question was too far. You all clearly know my name anyways" I had no idea where this confidence was from, but this wasn't me. But I oddly felt comfortable around these people, well at least Phoenix - who was scarily quiet - and Elijah whom was quiet a bright pink from embarrassment. 

"I'm Enzo" the boy who I had noticed looked like me, spoke. He looked way too much like me, it was scary, terrifying almost. "I'm Stefano, Elijah's older brother" the boy from earlier who was interrogating me, said, before punching Elijah in the arm.

Elijah didn't even flinch, rather punching his brother back, only for the other older boy who had stayed silent as well, intervened. "I'm Nicolo, or Nic if you prefer, and I'm one of Enzo's older brothers" 

"Wait, how many brothers do you have?" Phoenix questioned. He was clearly intrigued by all of this now. "I have 3 older brothers and a half-brother. Leonidas, introduce yourself" Enzo seemed way to comfortable with the scary guy in the drivers seat. 

"I'm Leonidas, sweetheart" that pet name sent shivers down my back, reminding me of Apollo and Aphrodite. It just reminded me of all my brothers and sisters in general. 

"Make sure you clean every inch of this house, sweetheart" 

"Aren't you just a sweetheart to look after" 

"Sweet hearts don't exist" 

"Thankyou for the ride" Phoenix's voice called out to Leonidas, and that was when I realized we had finished the dreaded journey. But, it didn't stop there. 

"Thankyou" I murmured as I climbed out after Elijah, Leonidas smiling at me, as I jumped down, noticing all the stares. I realized that this was the car I used to see whiz past me and Phoenix in the morning, the two of us wishing to be in it. 

Because we were always forced to walk, together. 

But I didn't mind it half as much as he did, because I wasn't forced. I basically forced him, at the end of the day. 

School, to learn useless stuff with liars. 


"We will be working with the Sophomore's class on this assignment. We have organized to meet up with them in the cafeteria to assign groups and start the work before class is dismissed" 

Panic coursed entirely through my veins. I was one of the only people in this class that had no friends, as I had only one friend, Phoenix, and he didn't take business. Which meant, I would be all alone to face the Sophomores and everyone would be able to be with their friends. 

Just absolutely great. 

I sluggishly picked my belongings up, trudging out after the rest of my classmates, if that was what you wanted to even call them. 

I walked after them, dreading this encounter. Maybe I should text Phoenix and meet up with him somewhere so I didn't have to do this. 

But, the teacher had mentioned it was an assignment that costed 50% of our grade, and that would mean notifying Adonis and Aphrodite that I didn't turn up. I'll just go then, I guess. 

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