Chapter 5: Jake's Last Show

Start from the beginning

The student looked over.

"But teach, he-"

"Enough, He was already scolded by the principal, You are not in position to do anything else. Sit back down, Immediately or you'll be next."

The student growled, glaring at Jake, who was slightly uncomfortable.

"This isn't over."

He spat, and walked back to his seat, sitting down. Jake was.. slightly intimidated, why did he look familiar? He sighed, going back to his work, but this time, he caught Hailey looking at Jack, seemingly... bothered.

He even noticed Drew glaring at the student... Was he forgetting something? He ignored it, finishing his work and turning it in. He leaned forwards and laid his head down on the desk, waiting for the class to just end. He just twiddled with his utensils, passing the time by as he kept hearing people talk

"he doesn't even regret it I bet!"

he heard them say beneath their breath.

"he doesn't belong here"

he heard another... his mind slipped away, he started hearing voices...

"What a freak~"

"you think we really wanted you apart of our group?"

"You think you'll actually amount to something? look in the damn mirror."

"You don't belong here."

Jakes eyes squeeze shut... A memory replayed, it felt like everyone was yelling at him, even though they were just whispering. He remembered being shoved into a locker; his song book tossed in his face.


Jake yelled out, his eyes slightly small. The entire class went quiet. Jake instantly felt embarrassed, but also heated. The teacher looked at him confused.

"Is there something wrong, Mr. Ster-"

Jake huffed, running out of the classroom and grumbling. The entire class kind of just started to laugh at him from behind, but he didn't care. He left the area and fled into the bathroom. He hid in one of the stalls at the end of the room. He wasn't crying or anything, he was just mad, Livid, even. Then he realized his biggest mistake in life. He heard a giggle.

"I can't believe that stupid freak thought he could get away with what he did to me! He really should have just kept his pie hole shut~ But no, He really just had to mouth off, That foolish boy."

Jake couldn't believe it... Shit, He's in the GIRLS bathroom. Oh man he really did it this time... but more importantly, His eyes seemed to fume even more when he heard this voice...Zoey, that little gremlin... His eyebrows furrowed slightly as he tried to keep quiet.

"This is what you get Jake~ Have fun sufferinggg~ hahaha!"

She left the room after that. Jake checked if the coast was clear and quickly left, going into the male's bathroom and scoffing, Hiding in the stall. Jake grumbled softly, clenching his teeth. His body felt heated, even more so than before as he was wearing really warm clothes regardless.

"I can't believe Zoey did this! She already went far enough recording me, and then planning to blackmail me?! she just had to send it out to everyone.."

He started to overthink everything; how could Jake go out now? Everyone's probably going to have similar reactions like Jack did. What should he do??? Should he even try to go now? He's frozen in fury and shock. The bell rang, and it was now lunch hour... This was the time they were supposed to meet up... He got a message.

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