ch 19; back in order

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The night was slowly fading away. It was almost as the new day wouldn't come. As it would always be eternal night from henceforth.
It started to feel as, Knuckles wouldn't open that damn door. Like he had forgot about them.
Or maybe as the world outside the dark and cold basement, had gotten erased from its existence.
Maybe Shadow and Sonic are what's left of it?!

But-... Finally they could hear the key turning in the keyhole, and the lock gets unlocked with a click.
The two hedgehogs sits upright, ready for action.
The door handle pulls down, where the door swings open. And lights from the house almost blinded the hedgehogs.
Sonic holds an arm over the eyes to cast a shadow over them.
While Shadow squints the eyes to keep them at Knuckles despite the blinding light.

The echidna looks a slightly hesitantly down at them with a short moment of silence.
Then he let's out a low sigh, and starts walking down the stairs.
Even though he tries pretending as Sonic isn't there, he couldn't stop himself from glancing at him.
Knuckles walks over to Shadow, and kneels down in front him, with the hand cupping the other's chin.
"Did you get a good rest down here?" He asks a bit teasingly.

Shadow glares at him.
"At least I had a better company than I would get with you-..." he spits out.
Knuckles snapped, and extends the arm where the hand grasped the other's throat.
The echidna hisses, and starts pushing Shadow downward toward the floor.
"Why don't you-..." he starts saying while Shadow chokes, and Sonic gets up from the floor and walks around Knuckles.
"...- Appreciate me?!... You and I belong to each-..." he adds growling while Sonic leans over him from behind.
Shadow scoffs.
"We don't-..." he says, and grabs Knuckles' hand with his own hands.
Even though he doesn't has his full strength, he might be able to hold him long enough for Sonic to do his part.

Knuckles flinches surprised, and tries taking the hand of him, but can't.
Sonic runs the hands gently on Knuckles' shoulder and neck.
Which startled Knuckles, and he gasps surprised where he looks over the shoulder at the blue hedgehog.
"Son-..." he says asking, when Sonic parts the lips widely and dugs the fangs deeply into Knuckles' neck.
The hybrid stiffened for a brief moment.
When he could feel Sonic drinking his blood, he starts struggling even more with the arm, Shadow is holding.
And while struggling with that arm, he tries pushing Sonic away with the other.
But it was as Sonic was a leech who wouldn't let go. A bloodsucking parasite.

Knuckles is a big man, and his hybrid blood wasn't very clean.
Despite Sonic does his best, he gets nauseous around halfway through.

The echidna starts getting panicked, and a new strength fills him, where the arm gets out from Shadow's grasp.
Then he punches the palm backwards and upward.
There he hits Sonic's nose.
The blue hedgehog flinches crying away from Knuckles with blood running from the broken nose.

Knuckles places the hand on his sore neck, and turns angrily around against Sonic.
" YOU BITCH!!!-... I KNEW YOU WERE PLANNING TO KILL ME!" He growls upset, and walks closer to Sonic whose legs were bended, and the hand covering the bleeding nose.
Sonic shakes the head in protest.
"No-... I-... Tried to save you..."
Knuckles grits the teeth, and yanks the arm whose hand is covering Sonic's nose.
"YOU LIES!- ..."
Sonic starts tearing up.
"AND YOU ARE BLIND!" He shouts back.
Knuckles grunts confused.
Sonic inhales sniffling, where his own blood runs down over his lips.
"... I have always tried to protect you... But you are so blind, that-... You can't see that... Instead you are lusting over the one who actually planned to kill you... Why Knuckles?!-... It's so unfair... I love you..." Sonic says with furrowed eyebrows, and the ears a little lowered.

Knuckles parts the lips, and the grasp of Sonic's arm loosen.
Then he tightened the hold again.
"Then-... Why did you drunk my blood now?!"
Sonic gives him a small smile.
"Simply 'cause demon blood is running in your veins... Shadow thinks his venom might have affected you in a bad way... Therefore I tried to replace that venom with my own... And you will hopefully become you again..."

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