ch 17; Anger, humiliation and hope

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Naked, and with blood running from the open wounds, where most of the runes are now split into to halves. Only one single rune, wasn't touched. The one who would protect Shadow from the sun's deadly rays.
Despite it's summer, the dusty floor in the attic feels rather cold, and hard against his body.
He feels so weak.
Not only did he temporarily lost the powers the runes gave him. He is also feeling exhausted since the healing factor tries healing him back to perfect health. Which would take a lot of time... Since fixing those runes would take longer time than healing a normal wound.
The thought of what would happen, when the runes are back in perfect condition, frights him.
The pain was awful now. When Knuckles only made a deep cut across the runes.
So, the pain would be overwhelming when Knuckles removes them.
Which would probably happen within few days... Hopefully he will be out from here, until then.

Knuckles was leaning downward toward Shadow's body, and is licking the blood up with slow strokes with the tongue.
The hedgehog grunts shivering.
"... S-stop..." Shadow mumbles.
The echidna keeps licking a few more seconds, until he humming looks up at him.
"... Don't worry Shadow-... The worst part is now over... Now you only need to be mine, and I will take care of you..." Knuckles grins with blood smeared around the mouth, and starts taking the sweater off.
Shadow blinks confused at him.
"How?-... I am already married with Silver-... So, I can't marry you... Which I wouldn't do no matter what..."

Knuckles scoffs smiling, and tossed the sweater away.
" Enough of that traitor-... If I hear you mentioning his name again-... I promise... I will haunt him down, and then kill him in front you... So, you know where aren't someone else to get back home to..." he warns him.
Shadow swallows hardly, with a cold shiver along the spine.
He grits the teeth.
"DO THAT-... AND I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" He roars, while glaring upset at him.

Knuckles shrugs, while unbuttoning the jeans.
"... Then you shouldn't talk about him... I might leave him alone, if you follow my rule... Now-..." he explains, and unzips the pants where he pulled them down and the boxers.

Shadow wides the eyes when he sees the other's member bouncing a little. Standing up, and ready for action.
The hedgehog's heart starts pounding faster in worry.

Knuckles smiles sadly at him, and placed himself between Shadow's legs where he grabbed the legs underneath the thighs.
"... I heard you didn't got a child-... Therefore, I will now help you out, with that part..." The echidna says with a blank face, and with a voice who makes Shadow to shiver in displeasure.

The hedgehog froze for a brief moment.
Not only did Knuckles harmed him with the knife... He was also planning to humiliate him!?
With stiff movements, Shadow shakes the head.
"I DON'T MIND!-... I don't want a child, besides-..." he starts saying when Knuckles hushed him with a finger on the hedgehog's lips.
" Don't worry Shadz-... I don't mind if we need many tries until you get pregnant... I will help you... Support you the whole way until you have gotten a child..." he promises, and takes the finger away from Shadow's mouth, and placed the hand back underneath the leg.

Knuckles leans forward where he presses the crotch toward Shadow's backside. Trying to find the hole, where he could shove the dick into.
Shadow shudders.
And when he feels how Knuckles' member gets between the cheeks, he flinches backwards where he kicks Knuckles hardly on the chest. Causing the male to grunt a little, while losing the grip of the legs.
"NO!-... Don't touch me-... I have promised I would stay loyal to my hu-..." he starts saying until he chokes on the last word. Simply 'Cause Knuckles' warning was ringing in the backhead.
The hedgehog presses the lips hardly together, and glares unfriendly at the other.
That was a close call-... Few seconds more, and he might had upset Knuckles, where the echidna would punishment him by killing Silver.

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