ch 1; My first encounter with red

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Shadow is a handsome demon prince, the grandchild of Lucifer.
His body is filled with a few runes who give him powers. Like speed and endurance.
One of those runes is even helping him to survive the sun.
Not like he has ever been on earth and walked in the rays of the sun.
So, getting that rune, is feeling as a kinda waste.
Until now-...

Shadow squints the eyes due getting a slightly blinded from the harsh sun.
Even though it feels a little cold in the late spring, the sun still makes his fur feeling kinda warm.
The hedgehog moves one arm whose lower part is covered in bandage, and hold it over the forehead to cast a shadow over the eyes.
"So-... That's the sun, I have heard a lot about..." he mumbles, and scoffs.
"Not like it's any impressive..." he mutters and looks away from the sun and starts walking on a long field with soft grass underneath the bare feet.
The grass runs through his toes.

Except the bandages around the arms and calves, he is naked. If you don't count the few jewelries.
Around the wrists and the ankles, he has gold rings.
And around the head at the forehead, he has a crown in antic gold. There the crown looks like a flat chains around the head, with an eye on the forehead, where two small horns are above the eye.

So yeah, except all that, he is completely naked. Which would turn out weird, outside the hell.
Shadow keeps walking forward without a goal in mind. At least where he would headed.
The reason behind he entered the earth, is simple. Yet complicated.
He must find a mate... Someone who could give him children to continue the bloodline.
But that might be a problem. He doesn't know who this person might be... And he doesn't even know how to interact with non-demons.
What if he seems odd in their eyes?!

"HI! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" someone asks from the woods to the right side of the field.
Shadow flinches with the heart pounding loudly in the chest.
The direction where the manly voice came from, could Shadow hear fast approaching footsteps where the person snaps a twig at one moment.
The hedgehog inhales hissing and turns toward the woods with the fists up.
Soon he could see a red echidna with torn blue jeans, white t-shirt and an opened leather jacket. Made by fake leather.
Shadow parts the lips and exhales surprised while dropping the fists and un-clenched them.
He couldn't stop staring at the red dreadlocks who bounce while the echidna runs toward him.
The color reminds him about the sky in the hell.
It's beautiful... He never thought there would be someone with fur like that.

Knuckles keeps running until he was next Shadow.
He inhales deeply, and exhales a bit panting.
" Are you A-alright-...." he asks worried while examining the stranger's body.
Despite the runes made him to raise an asking brow, he pulled the eyes swiftly away from them, and looked worried at the bandages.
"Are you injured?"
"Injured?" Shadow tilts the head, and was confused over Knuckles' sudden encounter with him.
Knuckles nods while his eyes moves across Shadow's naked body where he notices the stranger doesn't have any genitals.
And when Knuckles notices Shadow has nipples, he just assumes, Shadow must be a girl. Even though Shadow doesn't have female breast.

Knuckles flinches where he holds up an arm to hide Shadow's body from his view.
He starts blushing hardly.
"I-I-i-I'm S-sorry miss-... I-I didn't meant to see you N-naked..." he apologies and looks away with pounding heart.

The bewildered hedgehog couldn't stop staring at him.
"Naked?-... what are you talking about?... And who is miss? I'm Shadow... "
Knuckles starts getting very worried. Not only is Shadow naked and wrapped in bandage on the legs and the arms, he also seems confused.
He really should get Shadow to the doctor...
But he shouldn't walk naked there...

In a swift movement, Knuckles takes off the jacket and the t-shirt.
Then he throws them toward Shadow who surprised catches them with a gasp.
Knuckles blushes while the dreadlocks stroke gently over his bare back and chest.
"Put them on.... Sadly I can't give you anything to cover the lower part of your body... Maybe we could asks my friend, Rouge, if she could lend you something?"

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