ch 5; Do you want to be my date?

112 10 3

Knuckles was out, 'Cause his sister needed help with the car.
So, Shadow was alone in the apartment, and bored.
Why would he stay alone in a apartment, when he still has a lot to see?

Shadow walked out, and starts walking around the streets in the city.
The sun has been an annoyance since start. And today isn't an exception.
The demon prince walks with the head a slightly tilted down, to keep out some sunshine from the eyes.
A passing buss starts slowing down to his left, there it soon stopped by a bus stop.
Few people walked out, while an overweight mother with her young son entered.
Shadow passed the bus stop where the bus soon starts driving again.

"Shadow?-..." a familiar voice asks from behind.
Shadow hums asking, and turns around where he soon could see Silver.
At first Silver seemed confused, but as soon he could see it was Shadow, he brights happily up.
Shadow parts the lips where he exhales.
The approaching hedgehog smiles tentatively. A bit unsure if Shadow would recognize him.
The heart starts pounding nervously. Afraid Shadow would actually not remember him...
"Y-you... You remember me? Right?"

Shadow smiles with a light chuckle.
"Of course I do... There are no way I would forget a cute face like yours~"
Silver smiles widely.
"... D-don't S-say T-that-..." he blushes while squirming shyly.
The ebony hedgehog smirks, and cups Silver's chin with the hand.
He tilts the other's head up.
"Don't say what?-... That you are cute?... Why wouldn't I?... When you are a bliss for the eye..." Shadow flirts while eyeing deeply into Silver's eyes.

The flushed hedgehog stutters a few unrecognizable words. There they sounds more as a noise, than actual words.
Silver swallows hardly.
"...But- ... What about K-knuckles?"
"What about him?" Shadow hums smirking and leans a slightly toward him.
It feels as Silver's tongue is moving slowly, and as it was swollen. 'Cause, he could barely form any words. Could barely get himself to speak.
"... A-aren't Y-you... D-dating?" He asks.
Shadow leans closer him with the face toward his.
"No, we don't... We are just strangers who started hanging out..." he explains before his lips brush on Silver's.

Silver jolts where the heart skipped a beat, or two.
Did Shadow really started kissing him?!... Are they really kissing???

The a slightly shorter hedgehog starts lidding the eyes, then he wraps the arms around Shadow's neck and kissed him back.
Despite Silver once was in love with his childhood friend, Blaze. He has never been together with someone. Less dating anyone.
Could the unluck in love finally turn around?
Will he finally has a boyfriend, he could spend the evenings with? Playing some games, eating Tacos on Fridays, and cuddling on the couch with a movie on.
Could Shadow be the one, he will share those things with?

Silver moans softly during the kiss, where tongues started stroking gently at each others.
He would gladly be submissive... Letting Shadow lead the dance.
Right now, Silver only wanted to be in his arms. Getting loved, and cared about.

Few moments later, they break apart where Silver looked with melted eyes at him.
Shadow smiles slyly at him.
"Do you want taking a walk with me?"
Silver nods slowly as he hadn't completely heard him.
The ebony hedgehog starts walking, where Silver soon flinched forward and walked next him.

There is a silence between them. Not necessarily an awkward one.
Shadow keeps the eyes right in front him, taking long steps.
While Silver keeps looking at him from the side.
The silver furred hedgehog's eyes start falling down from Shadow's head to the hand.
He keeps staring a few seconds at the hand closest him. Should he grab it?
He swallows hardly, while Shadow glances at him in the corner of the eye.
Silver really wants to hold hands...

"Here-..." Shadow startled him by holding the hand against him.
Silver grunts confused.
Shadow smiles.
"Let's holding hands..."
Silver wides the eyes. Could Shadow read his mind?... Or it was a mere coincidence?
He didn't knew how obvious he was, and that's why; Shadow knew what he wanted.
"T-thanks-..." he says while grabbing the hand, shyly.
The touch feels electrifying.
And Silver regrets the decision to wear gloves.
Things would feel a lot better if they both had bare hands.

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