ch 3; awkward morning

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The moment when his regular alarm starts ringing, Knuckles grunts.
No way it could already be morning!... It wasn't long time ago, he fell asleep. At least it feels like that.
Despite he hasn't opened the eyes yet, he feels exhausted.
The alarm still rings, and vibrates angrily on the coffee table.
The second Knuckles hears whimpering in front him, he flinched the eyes opened.
Seeing Shadow asleep right in front him, makes him to wide the eyes.
"Gah!-..." he bolts sitting up with pounding heart.

The sudden movements, and Knuckles' loud gasping, mixed with the alarm, wakes Shadow up.
Shadow yawns and sits up where he rubs the hand on the eyes.
"Oh?-..." he jolts of seeing Knuckles.
"... Good morning Knuckles... What irritating noise is that?" He asks curiously over the ringing sound who starts decreasing in volume.

Knuckles starts remembering yesterday where he met Shadow.
For a moment, he had thought all that was only a weird dream.
He grunts asking over Shadow's question.
"Oh-... That's my cell phone... An alarm to wake me up for school..." he explains and grabbed the white cell phone whose screen has minor cracks. Probably from the keys, 'Cause Knuckles forgets to keep them apart in the pockets.
The echidna turns the alarm off.
"Alright-... We are awake... Do you want any breakfast?" He smiles.

Shadow parts the lips, and was about to suggest limbs from the lower caste of demons. Who are more animal alike, than human. Things who couldn't speak, or think logical. Mere creatures who crawl around the dirt, only lusting after blood and flesh.
But since Shadow starts feeling Knuckles isn't like him, he waves the idea away.
He smiles.
"Okay-... I would like eating something for breakfast"
Knuckles nods.
"Great... I'm soon back" he says and walks toward the kitchen.

After breakfast, who was toasts with milk, Knuckles offered Shadow, he could take a shower and use some of his clothes.
Knuckles points at the bottles in the shower.
"That one is for your body... And these two are for your quills... I apologize if they aren't made for your quills... However..." he clears the throat.
"You starts with the blue bottle... Then you wash it out, and use the white bottle..." he adds.
Shadow nods.
"Alright... Now I want to know... How do I wash it out?"
Knuckles stares confused at him. Then he remembered Shadow didn't knew what water is. Maybe they have something else in hell?
The echidna points at the head on the shower hose.
"Water will come out from there-..."
Shadow grimaces.
"Water?-... Can't it be something else?... Like juice?"

Knuckles lowered the hand while blinking confused.
Then he snickers.
"No-..." he shakes the head.
"You would be sticky if you were showering in juice... So, it must be water... But don't worry... You won't taste the water..." he grins.
Shadow stares silently at the shower hose.
Knuckles inhales deeply and points on the towel while walking toward the door.
"There is the towel you can use when you are finished and need getting dried... Oh!..Don't forget to take the clothes off before turning the water on..." he says, and was about to close the door after him.

Shadow jolts.
"Wait!-..." he bursts out and startled him.
"... Can't you shower with me?" He adds.
Knuckles stiffened while the cheeks turned into a deep red.
"W-what?-..." he stutters and turned stiffly around. Did he really heard right?
Shadow shrugs.
"Shower with me-... All those steps are confusing... Can't you help me?"

The thought of Shadow wet and naked, where his crotch strokes gently at the hedgehog's backside, passed his mind.
Which Knuckles tries waving away.
"I-..." he starts answering.
Shadow looks pleading at him.
"Please Knuckles-..."
Knuckles closed the eyes while growling lowly for himself.
"FINE!" Knuckles opened the eyes, and gave up.

While the echidna starts undressing, Shadow smirks.

When they were naked, they entered the shower.
Lucky them, the shower wasn't narrow.
Since Shadow was closest to the shower valve, Knuckles had to lean a slightly over him to turn the water on.
And the moment where kinda cold water pours over Shadow, he flinched backwards with a gasp. Slamming the back on Knuckles' chest.
Knuckles exhales shocked, and grabbed Shadow under the arms to prevent him from falling.
"... Sorry about the cold water... I should-..." He starts apologising when he realizes how close they are.
How Shadow's bottom is only a few centimeters away from his cock.

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