ch 14; I don't deserve anyone

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Despite it only takes about a minute until Sonic bursts through the unlocked door, it feels like an eternity.
"KNUCKLES?-..." Sonic shouts while running to the living room where Knuckles' lifeless body lies on the bed. With blood on the neck, whose veins have a purple look over them.

When Sonic sees Knuckles, he wides the eyes and shakes the head in distrust. How could he be dead?!... It must be some kind of nightmare, right?
Yeah-... No way his beloved person could be dead...
He made sure to remove himself as boyfriend, since he didn't wanted to risk Knuckles' life... So why... Why did he ended up dead anyway?!
Was their breakup only in vain?-... As things are now... Sonic should never broke up with him... Instead he could stay with his boyfriend and enjoy their days together... And do his best to keep the blood-lust down...

Sonic starts tearing up while throwing himself over knuckles' chest.
Sobbing over the lost.

Shadow stands by the short side of the table, on the side where Knuckles' head is placed on the bed.
He squirms uncomfortable over the situation, and clears the throat while rubbing the hand on the other arm. Only dressed in the gray t-shirt who reached down over his hips.
"Well?-... Can you maybe save him?" He asks with lowered ears.

Sonic flinched angrily up, and glares upset at Shadow.
If Shadow hadn't came in first place, Knuckles would never got hurted.
The blue hedgehog grits the teeth, and takes few steps toward Shadow where he swiftly slapped across his face.
"IT'S YOUR FAULT!-... WHY KNUCKLES? WHY HIM?!" He yells upset while angry and sad tears fall from his glowing red eyes.

The cheek stings, and Shadow didn't flinched when Sonic took out his anger on him.
"... I'm sorry-..." he apologies in low voice.
Sonic snaps.
"YOU ARE SORRY?!-..." he spits out, and punched Shadow again. This time with clenched fist.
The punch hits same cheek like the last one, and made Shadow to stumble to the side.
Few drops of blood runs from the corner of his lips.
The ebony hedgehog rubs the blood of with the back of the hand.

Sonic trembles angrily with clenched hands.
"... YOU KILLED KNUCKLES, AND YOU ARE... -SORRY?!... " Sonic shakes the head in disbelief.
"... AND WHAT ABOUT SILVER?!" He adds and made Shadow to jolt.
Sonic narrows the eyes on him.

Shadow's heart pounds faster, and he shakes the head in protest.
"NO!-... Only Knuckles, 'Cause my family forced me... I was planning to stay with Silver so many years as possible..." he explains.
Sonic exhales gasping, and starts furrowing the eyebrows in confusion.
"... Why Knuckles?-... Why did your family forced you to kill him?..." he asks more collected than earlier, and un-clenched the fists.
Shadow sighs.
"... Simply 'Cause I needed to conceive my own mate-... If not, I needed to marry my cousin who would abuse me, mentally and physically... And... I was ehm-... Afraid to put myself in that position... " Shadow tells him, and looks ashamed down on the wooden floor.
Despite Sonic was still a slightly confused, he nods.
"I might not understand your situation completely... But I somewhat understand... Even though I will never forgive you for what you did to Knuckles..."

Shadow swallows hardly.
"I'm fine with that-... Well?-... Can you save him?"
Sonic looks over the shoulder at Knuckles.
"Sadly it's too late for me to save his mortal life-..."
Shadow nods, and looks up at him.
"I know-... And that's why I brought you here... If we want to save him, you must turn him to your kind"
Sonic gulps, and looks shortly at him.
"... You have right... Hopefully it's not too late..." he says, and walks over to Knuckles where he starts leaning over him.

Sonic places the lips near Knuckles' ear.
"Please, forgive me Knuckles..." he whispers.
"... I don't want you dead... Therefore I selfishly will give you a new life as a vampire... Hopefully you won't hate me for that..." he adds whispering.
Then he leans a slightly up, where he presses the lips on Knuckles'.
Sonic sniffles, and breaks the kiss while tears splashed down on the other's face.
"I love you-... And I have never stopped loving you... Sorry for the pain I gave you, when I broke up..." he apologies, before his fangs dug through the holes, Shadow had left on the neck.
Since Knuckles almost doesn't have any blood left, Sonic only spreads his venom. Where Knuckles' veins start spreading the poison around the body. Causing the echidna to slowly turn into a vampire.
But since Shadow had drunk from him earlier, there are also demon venom inside him. Mixing with Sonic's vampire venom. And therefore creating a new kind of monster. A vampire-demon hybrid.

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