ch 2; Do you want anything to drink?

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Knuckles opened the door to the apartment, where Shadow curiously starts looking around.
It's small, but big enough for one person.
And kinda messy.
"I'm sorry about the mess-..." The echidna mumbles ashamed over the piles of dirty laundry on the floor.
Shadow hums asking when Knuckles started scurrying around the apartment, and picking up the clothes.

Despite Shadow was keeping an eye at the echidna, he still looked around.
Except the kitchen, and restroom, where is only one other room. The living room.
Instead of having a couch by the coffee table, Knuckles had the single bed there.
Across the floor, in front the coffee table, he has a weirdly big TV. The only thing that look rather expensive.
And next the TV on the floor, he has a white- and pink Radio. Something his older sister was planning to toss away, when he decided to use it for himself.
And around the radio at the floor, where are many music cds. A few of them lies opened.

Knuckles walked into the restroom with the arms full with clothes.
He dropped them in the basket, and walks back out to Shadow.
"Alright-... I'm ready to start cooking something... Do you want something to drink while waiting on the food?"
"... Do you have A positive?" Shadow turns the face toward him, and looks serious.
"A positive?-..." Knuckles tilts the head.
"Noo, I don't?" He answers unsure.
"O negative, then?"
Knuckles raises an eyebrow.
"What?... No?!"
"Or you have perhaps AB... Negative?... Or perhaps positive?"
Suddenly something clicked in Knuckles' head.
"... Are-... Are you talking about b-...Blood?" His heart pounds faster.
He had already forgotten Shadow was a demon.
Except those weird runes across his body, he doesn't look like someone who could be a demon... But okay, he also have fangs. There one of them seems peeking out between the lips, resting softly outwardly the bottom lip.

The hedgehog nods.
"So?-... Do you have any?"
Knuckles blushes.
"N-no..." he stutters, and caress the backhead with the hand.
"But I do have-... Water?"
Shadow tilts the head.
"Water?-... What is that?"
Knuckles flinched while parting the lips in surprise.
How could Shadow not know what water is?!
"... Water-... As transparent fluid..."
The hedgehog raises an eyebrow.
"Are you talking about Alcohol?"
Knuckles jolts where he yanks Shadow's hand.
"Come-... I will show you..." he says and starts pulling Shadow toward the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Knuckles let's go of Shadow's hand, and starts pouring a glass with water from the tap.
Then he hands the glass over to Shadow.
The prince looks confused down on the water.
It feels weird... Holding something what, feels cold in the hand.
Even the glass starts feeling a bit slippery due condensation where small drops of water start running outwardly down, along the glass.
"Drink it-..." Knuckles tells him.
Shadow starts slowly to raise the glass toward the mouth.
Then he starts drinking a bit hesitantly.
Few swallows later, Shadow lowered the glass and smacks the lips a little.

Knuckles grins.
"Well?-... What do you think about water?"
Shadow looks up at him with a grimace.
"Disgusting-... You are sure, you don't have any blood around?"
Knuckles chuckles.
"I'm sure-... Or-... I do have blood in my body... But I would like keep it, that way..." he answers, and takes the glass from Shadow where he throws out the remaining water in the sink.
Shadow doesn't gives him any respond, instead he is staring silently at him.
Knuckles opens the fridge.
"Hmm-... Do you want juice or milk?... I swear, juice tastes a lot better than water... I have apple juice and orange... Do you want?" He asks with the face in the fridge, and in last part of his question, he looks over the shoulder at Shadow.
The hedgehog furrows the eyebrows over the weird words, he has never heard about.
"... Juice then..." he answers doubtfully.
Knuckles smiles.
And without reminding Shadow, he could choose between two flavors, he grabbed the apple juice.
Knuckles poured the glass with juice, and hands it over to him.

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