ch 9; kiss my feet~

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Amy slams the hands upset on the table in the school cafeteria.
"HEY!!!-... HOW COME YOU'VE HAD A PARTY WITHOUT INVITING ME?!"She pouts angrily while the chair creaks from the sudden movement where she stood up.
Scourge glares at her.
"Eh?-... Would you really come, when the disgusting incest-gay-couple hosted it?" He asks her and taps the index finger on the table, while resting the head on the other hand.

Amy's ears lowered, and she starts stuttering a few words without being able to form a sentence.
"... No-..." she says while sitting down.
She flinches.
"I mean-... YES!-..." she blushes and squirms uncomfortable on the seat.
Scourge raises an eyebrow.
The pink hedgehog sighs.
"... And I never said you were disgusting..." she blushes with a low voice.
Scourge scoffs and sits upright.
"Yes you did-... I'm not stupid... And you didn't talked in hushed voice... Manic and I could clearly hear your conversation with the others... How disgusting we are 'Cause we are relatives who love each others..."
Amy furrows the eyebrows, and looks down on the cheese- and broccoli soup.
"... 'm Sorry..." she mumbles.
Scourge smirks.
"Eh?-.." he says with the hand behind the ear and turning it toward her.
"I couldn't hear you-... You need to repeat that..." he teases.
Manic hits the side of Scourge with the elbow.
" Ey man-... Drop it... We don't want to cause a scene..." he says in low voice.

Amy stiffened, while she blushes harder.
"... I-..." she starts saying in a slightly louder voice. But still kinda low.
Scourge grins.
"I can still not hear you~"
Amy flinches where she slams the fists on the table, causing a little of the soup to splash out on the table.

Scourge tries holding back a laughter in victory.
He clicks the tongue and turns on the seat where he lays one leg over the other.
"I will forgive you-..." he starts saying which made Amy to gasp smiling.
Scourge grins and points at the shoe.
"...- If you kiss my feet.." he chuckles, and shakes the foot a little.
The smile on Amy dropped immediately and got replaced with a grimace.
"Ew!!!-... Why would I do such a thing?!-... I'm a girl!" She shakes the head.
Scourge shrugs.
"If you don't kiss them-... Then I won't forgive you... And you can forget to ever get invited to any of my parties henceforth..." he tells her with a smug face.
Amy froze, where all color vanished from her face.
It would be a nightmare to be left out from the parties!

"B-but-..." she stutters.
Manic looks with disbelief at Scourge.
"Meh-... Don't be so harsh on her, man... I'm sure she has already learned her lesson..." he tries reason with Scourge.
Scourge scoffs.
"Neh-... I won't forgive her until she has kissed my feet..."
Amy sighs, and stands up, where she starts walking around the table to reach Scourge.

Rouge flinched, and starts grinning widely behind the hand, where she soon starts snickering.
Knuckles wides the eyes in shock, he couldn't believe his eyes! Would she really kiss Scourge's feet?!
Shadow raises an eyebrow, but turns soon the eyes away from her. Not seeing any reason to watch the spectacle.
Sonic keeps slurping his 'homemade smoothie' through a straw... There the 'smoothie' is inside a dark container where no one could see the drink.
Only Shadow knew what's inside the container.
He could smell blood. And that's why he knew.
Manic and Silver start protesting, and tries telling Amy, she doesn't needs kissing any feet to get forgiven.

The pink hedgehog stops walking when she stood in front Scourge.
She clenched the hands, hesitantly.
The green hedgehog with sunglasses on the top of the head, exhales snickering.
"Well?-... We don't have the whole day... If you wish getting any forgiveness-... Then you better start kissing~"
Amy starts kneeling slowly down.
She grabs Scourge's foot, and starts leaning with the face toward it.
Scourge jolts.
"WAIT!-..." he shouts.
Few of the friends around the table exhale in relief. Others, aka Rouge, sighs in disappointment.
Amy gasps, and let's go of the shoe while leaning away.
She starts tearing up with a smile.
"... I knew you wouldn't let a girl-..."
Scourge scoffs and points down on the foot.
"You forgot to take the shoe off-... I said you had to kiss my feet-... Not my shoes..." he points out.
Amy wides the eyes in shock while dropping the smile.
Rouge bursts out into loud laughter where she wraps the arms around the stomach.

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