ch 12; are you choosing me?

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Over the last days, Knuckles and Silver have tried getting Shadow's attention. Through dates. Or baking and cooking, and giving him the food or cookies.
Silver usually have something sweet with him to school, where he blushing hands them over.
Everyone in the gang, starts whispering with each others. Wondering what's going on between those three.

One day, Amy also tried giving Shadow something sweet. But he refused to take it. Simply 'Cause he doesn't like her.
Why would he encourages her?
It's enough with attention from Silver and Knuckles. He doesn't needs someone else...

Shadow yawns while laying on the side in Knuckles' bed.
The TV is on, and plays a movie from Netflix.
Knuckles looks curiously at Shadow from behind, where he could see the TV over him.
He is sure Shadow likes him-... But does he likes him more than Silver?... It would really sucks, if Shadow in the end, chooses Silver over him.
Knuckles clears the throat while shifting a little in the bed.
"Shadow?-..." he asks and could see how Shadow's ear flinched.
"Yes?-..." Shadow asks and shifts a slightly where he could look asking at him.
Knuckles furrows the eyebrows in worry. What would he do-... If Shadow answered; Silver?!
Shadow blinks asking.
"Something wrong?-..."
The echidna inhales deeply.
"I wonder-... Who do you like most?-... S-silver... O-or M-me?... Who will Y-you get a baby W-with?" He asks nervously.

Shadow exhales.
"Oh?-... Well-..." he grins, and turns completely against him where he moves closer him.
Shadow strokes a hand on the side of Knuckles' head. Making him to shudder.
"If you can promise me-... To make me pregnant during the blood moon... You will be the baby-daddy..."
Knuckles wides the eyes slowly, and exhales surprised.
"Wait?-... Are you... -choosing me?!" He asks with increased heartbeats.
Shadow smiles widely.
"Yes~... As long you promise, we will mate during the blood moon..." he answers and plays with Knuckles' dreadlocks with the hand.
In pure happiness, Knuckles wraps the arms around Shadow and pulls him closer.
"YES!-..." he purrs.
"...-I promise... I will give you the child you need... 'Cause I love you, Shadow..."
Shadow let's out a short chuckle, he soon muffled by kissing Knuckles, who starts kissing back.

It's Friday after school, and Shadow is walking home with Silver to his place. Something Knuckles was upset over. But since Shadow said he would talk with Silver and tell him about the promise to Knuckles. There they would get a child together. Knuckles gave him thumb up.

Silver seems very happy, when they are walking, hand in hand.
Shadow smiles widely, and can't understand how ridiculous happy, Silver makes him.
Maybe he actually starts getting real feelings-... As love.

When they entered the elevator, Silver squints the eyes thoughtfully.
"Hey-..." he starts saying in low voice.
Shadow hums asking.
Silver looks worried at him. Afraid to hear the wrong answer.
"If you could be honest-... Who do you like most?-... Me or Knuckles?" He asks. It's better hearing the truth now, and get a chance to start over as friends. Than falling way too deep into the rabbit hole. There he would never be able to piece together his broken heart.
Shadow smiles.
"I-..." he starts saying with the heart pounding faster.
"...- Lo-...Like you most... I'm truly happy to have you" he answers.
Silver brights happily up.
"And I love you, Shadow!-... I don't know if I can give you a child, B-but..." he says excited and gets in Shadow's arms.
Shadow wraps the arms around him, and let's out a short chuckle.
"Don't worry-... I will get the child from somewhere else..." he smirks.
Silver looks confused at him.
But since he is relived, Shadow likes him the most. He couldn't care more or less about the details...
"T-thank you-... B-but... What will you do with K-knuckles?" He asks unsure.
Shadow places a kiss on his forehead.
"Don't worry-... I will tell him... But... Maybe you and I should stay away from each others in a few days... I don't want to hurt his feelings more than necessary..."
"Oh-..." Silver exhales sadly while the ears dropped.
"So?-... You won't stay?"

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