Cruel Words - Part 3

Start from the beginning

"And why didn't you talk to Hongjoong when you met him in the bedroom? Did you think you would get less of a punishment this way? I didn't want to punish you, Jongho. This really hurts me to have to do this. But as your hyung and as the oldest, I have to because otherwise you younger ones will think it's okay to try and escape a punishment. How do you think all this makes me feel?"

Seonghwa was right. Jongho had avoided Hongjoong because he didn't want a more severe punishment. It had been selfish, pushing Seonghwa into a role he was not yet comfortable with. Jongho was sure Hongjoong didn't find it pleasant either, but it was a role he had already been used to as he had been the first trainee. Seonghwa on the other hand, had probably never even been on the receiving end before.

Jongho was so lost in thought, that it took him a moment to realise the punishment had ended and Seonghwa was gently rubbing his shoulders. Jongho lay there for a minute longer, letting his breathing settle.

"I am sorry, hyung," he whispered after some time had passed.

Seonghwa smiled gently, tousling the maknae's ruffled hair. "I am not the one who needs an apology, maknae-ah."

"No, I...I ruined your bed."

Seonghwa looked down in surprise and saw that the sheet was indeed half pulled off, revealing the mattress beneath it. He shook his head in amusement. "It's okay, Jongho. I will remake it." He paused then patted Jongho's arm comfortingly. "Are you okay? Do you want to get up?"

Jongho nodded, and the two young men rose to their feet, Seonghwa holding Jongho steady as his legs trembled. Glancing down at the bed, Jongho saw the hateful instrument that had been used on him. It was a large flat wooden brush. Maybe if he wasn't so tired and sore, it would almost be funny. How childish, I must have acted.

"You will have to sort it out with Wooyoung, but I won't tell the others," Seonghwa was telling him. "They don't need to know."

Jongho looked up at him, his eyes gleaming with tears and a bright spark of gratitude.

"Thank you, hyung," he whispered gratefully.

Seonghwa just shook his head. "Be off with you. And Jongho?"

"Yes, hyung?"

"Please, let's not do this again."

Jongho let out a small laugh. "Sure, hyung. I whole-heartily agree."

He slipped out the door, closing it gently behind him. But as he climbed to the top of the stairs, his steps slowed as the weight seemed to creep back onto him. By the time, he stood outside the door, his hand felt too weak to even turn the knob. For a long time, he stood staring at the door, as if hoping it would either open for him itself or perhaps just cease existing. But Seonghwa's words rang through his head. I need to face this like a man. I can't run away anymore.

He opened the door. It was pitch black inside, an uncommon occurrence for this time of the night. Not wanting to disturb anyone, Jongho closed the door quietly behind him and tiptoed to his bed. He had just laid down when the light suddenly flicked on, blinding him.

"Yah," he scowled crossly, covering his eyes. When there was no reply, Jongho peeked out from behind his arm curiously. A silhouette towered over him, their arms fidgeting nervously.

"Did you get beat?" asked Wooyoung, gazing down at him nervously.

Jongho sighed. He used his elbow to prop himself up, so he could stare up at his roommate. "Yeah." He lowered his head. The words seemed to collect in his throat like a hard lump. "Hyung...I am sorry. Those words that I said, I didn't mean them. Honest I didn't. I was just angry and wanted to hurt you. I...I was wrong."

Wooyoung seemed to flinch. "So, he did find out. But never mind that, did he ask to see me?"

"You?" Jongho blinked at him in confusion. "Why would..." His voice trailed away as he stared at his nervously pacing hyung. "Wooyoung-hyung, don't tell me you've been hiding because you thought Hongjoong was going to punish you?"

Wooyoung glanced at him. "Hongjoong-hyung always finds this stuff out. You know he hates when we say nasty stuff to each other, more than when we actually physically fight. I haven't been able to eat for days, because I was so stressed about it."

Jongho's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He felt like punching his hyung, as Wooyoung flopped on the bed beside him.

"I say though, Jongho. I didn't really mean what I said about your singing. I really do think you are the best vocalist ever." He smiled brightly. "But you sure are a champ for not dobbing me in, even if Hongjoong found out what you said to me."

With a sharp kick, Jongho sent Wooyoung flying to the floor. Turning his back to his complaining hyung, he pulled the blanket over his head. But beneath the covers, a relieved smile crossed his face.

Author's note: I am thinking of doing like a Christmas special. I already have an idea, although you can drop some of your own ideas if you wish. Let me know whether I should write it, or just continue with the next chapter of this story.

Also let me know who you want the story to be focused on next. I have ideas for all the members.

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