𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎-𝒯𝓌𝑜

Start from the beginning

"Thank you Robbie."

I can't wait for the day I can be at peace and not have to feel the pain that has been consuming me lately, when the world goes black and it's over. Truthfully I don't have the motivation to save myself anymore.

"Alessia are you okay?" Manny's concerned voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

I genuinely did think to spew the same lie that I have been using the last six years but instead I said something that shocked the both of us.

"Can I talk to you about something? or well... Multiple somethings." I whisper the last part.

He seemed to analyze my face for a moment before a look of realization flashed over his features.

"Of course... Let's go to my room, sí?" I nod before standing and following him.

"Now what's going on?" Manny asks as we sit side-by-side on his bed.

"I'm going to tell you the story of Alessia Fiorella Ferrari."

"Did you have to say that so dramatically?"

"Shush, leave me and my dramatic dialog alone, now where was I?"

"You haven't even started yet weirdo."

"Right.. It all started with my Father's awful pullout game, I mean he did have five kids before me..."

"Are you really starting this story off talking about your parents having sex?"

"Ew don't say it like that." I reply as I scrunch my face in disgust.

"What other way am I supposed to say it? That's literally what you're doing."

"Shush, it's rude to interrupt mister... Anyway... My parents weren't expecting me, I mean you don't really plan for twins unless you get artificially inseminated and fertilize two eggs but obviously that isn't the case here.

I don't mean they were shocked when they saw two babies in the scan, I mean... I hid behind my twin the entire pregnancy, she didn't know there were two babies until I was pushing myself out of her virginial canal."

"What's up with you and inappropriately describing the baby making process of your own parents."

"It's not inappropriate, it's basic biology."

"Whatever. Continue."

"They had nothing prepared for having a daughter, they didn't even know what to name me. Eventually they settled for naming me after my papa's mom, my Nonna, who was killed only two weeks before I was born.

Me hiding behind Niccolò became a common occurrence as the years went on.

Sure my parents weren't perfect but nobody is, they sure tried their best despite their illegal pastime.."

"Wait, the Mafia Rumors are true?" He says, I was surprised by the lack of shock in his voice.

"Mhmm... Wait, that isn't going to make you not want to be around me, right?" I question nervously.

"What? Absolutely one, firstly... you are not your brothers. Secondly, I already sort of knew based on the whispers I heard around town but I didn't know for a fact until you confirmed it."

"Okay... Well... I was a shy kid, I didn't like being around a lot of people... The complete opposite of Niccolò who was always popular. This however, never affected how close we were. He often stayed home with me if I didn't feel like being around people and I often went out with him and his friends. Granted I still would literally hide behind him.

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