Part 12

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5 months passed. Jungkook lived with Jimin until he gave birth. Jin didn't tell him to but Jimin asked him to stay there and Jungkook did. They only met on weekends. Jungkook stayed over and came back on Sunday night.

Today is their 7th wedding anniversary. It doesn't feel like their marriage has been going on for a very long time. That means Jieun will also have a birthday soon. Jin still remembers the first time he found out that he was pregnant, Jungkook was the happiest person. He immediately proposed to Jin and promised to make him happy. No matter how his parents reacted to Jin, he still married him.

Jungkook asked Jin to have dinner, he promised to meet at their favorite restaurant at 7 pm, Jin asked Jungkook to meet there because the streets were really jammed and it would be a waste of time if Jungkook picked Jin up first.

Jin came first, he waited at the place they ordered before. He prepared a present for Jungkook. They had long had a romantic dinner like this. Jin was very happy then. He waited for Jungkook's arrival.

He waited quite a long time, an hour, two hours passed, but Jungkook still hasn't come, he calls Jungkook but he doesn't pick up. Jin waited anxiously. It didn't realize that it was 10 pm, he had been there for three hours before the restaurant closed. He waited for Jungkook outside the restaurant, hoping that Jungkook would come.

He waited for a very long time, until it rained very hard, the time also showed 12 am. Jin just cried, his heart hurt so much. He was worried but he didn't know what to worry about.

"Are you starting to forget me?" Jin muttered while looking at the small box in his hand.

He put the box in his coat pocket and walked away, he walked under the pouring rain that night.


"Jimin, stay with me, stay with me, don't close your eyes" Jungkook and another nurse took Jimin to the operating room.

When Jungkook wanted to go see Jin, Jimin called him, his voice very weak. He said he fell down the stairs and had lots of blood from his feet. Jungkook who panicked immediately went to Jimin's house and saw his husband lying on the floor with blood around him.

He brought Jimin to the hospital and the doctor asked him to operate, because the baby's heartbeat was not heard. Of course Jungkook's heart was broken to hear that. The doctor said he had a miscarriage.

He kept crying outside the operating room, he hoped nothing bad happened.

"Jimin, stay with me, I beg you, stay with me" Jungkook muttered.


Jin arrived home, with his body wet, he left Jieun at Hoseok's house, so he was the only one in the house, alone. He cried and threw himself on the floor. His heart hurts so much. It turns out that all their struggles to be together end here.

Jin woke up from his sleep, he fell asleep on the floor with his wet clothes starting to dry on his body. His head was so dizzy, he tried to get up but everything he saw was spinning and his vision became blurry and everything was dark.

When Hoseok took Jieun home, when he arrived at Jin's house, he was surprised to see Jin lying on the floor. He and Jieun approached Jin. His face was very pale and his body was very hot.

"Uncle, what happened to appa?"

"Uncle doesn't know Jieun, but we have to take your appa to the hospital"

They went to the hospital by taxi, the doctor was examining them, Hoseok and Jieun were waiting outside the room and Jungkook who was walking there saw the two of them. Jungkook ran up to them.

"Hoseok, Jieun.. what are you guys doing here?" he said.

"Daddy.." Jieun hugged her father.

"Appa fainted, so me and Uncle Hoseok brought him here"

"What? What happened to him?" Jungkook looked at Hoseok.

"I don't know, the doctor is still inside." Not long after, the doctor came out and said that if Jin's condition was stable, he was just too stressed and tired.

Jungkook went into Jin's room, while Hoseok was still waiting outside with Jieun. He saw Jin lying limp on the bed with his face pale. Then he remembered his promise last night.

"Ohhh shit!! What are you doing Jungkook?" Jungkook muttered.

He held Jin's hand and kissed it.

"Baby, wake up, I'm here" Jungkook cried while still holding Jin's hand. Jin opened his eyes slowly and looked at Jungkook.


"Jin, you wake up"

"Where am I?"

"At the hospital, Hoseok and Jieun found you passed out, Jin, I'm sorry, you must have waited for me all night, I was stupid for not contacting you, Jimin fell from the stairs and was bleeding, the doctor said he had a miscarriage and last night he had to do surgery to get his baby out, I forgot to call you because I was worried about him." Jin just smiled and nodded.

"It's okay, then why are you here? Doesn't he need you? He must be really shocked right now, stay by his side Jungkook, I'm okay"

"No, it's my fault Jin, you are like this because of me, how could I ignore you on our wedding anniversary"

"It's okay, just go, where's Jieun?"

"She's outside with Hoseok"

"Just go Jungkook, I'm fine"

"Jin.. I don't want to leave you here, what kind of husband am I? I always hurt you like this"

"No, you never hurt me" Jungkook brought his face closer to Jin and kissed him. But Jin pushed his body slowly.

"Now, just go, please" Jin smiled.

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