Yandere!Goddess!Sombra x Fem!Reader

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Ngl I hated this skin....then I saw it in a highlight intro and welp here we are


Your POV

I keep my head lowered as the priests guide me out of my family's home. On lookers either stare or shout at me, saying that I should be honored that I was chosen to be a sacrifice. Although I couldn't say the same. I didn't want to be sacrificed. I wanted to stay with my family and live out of my life. Now I can't.

The priests made sure I was dressed in the finest of silks, wanting to appease our oh so merciful goddess. As we approached the temple the priests for once seem to appear nervous.

"Remember not a single scratch." One of them whispers, "If there is she has already warned us about what will happen."

"Yes we remember vividly." Another responds carefully tying my wrists together

Goosebumps appear on my body as I'm forced to lay down on the stone sacrificial slab, my body not at all welcoming the cold sensation. My hands are forced above my head and one of the priests binds them to a wooden stake. Another does the same with my feet, leaving me defenseless. As the sun set the priests usher themselves out of the room, making me confused. I'm a sacrifice right? Then why aren't they killing me like the rest?

After a few minutes I suddenly feeling watched and as I turn my head to the side, I see her. Our goddess Sombra stood to the side, a confident smirk on her face while her eyes study me. She pushes herself off the wall her eyes staying on mine while she walks over.

"I could not ask for a more beautiful sacrifice~" She speaks trailing one of her clawed fingers up my thigh, "I'm so glad I chose you."

I whimper and try to move away from her, but the restraints keep me in place. She chuckles and cups my cheek running her finger over my lips. I gulp building up my remaining courage to finally speak.

"W-What do you mean?"

Her eyes light up, "Oh bebita, I specifically asked for you to be sacrificed. I wanted you alive obviously or else the priests would've stained this lovely floor with your blood by now."

"Why me?"

"You caught my eye Y/N. You're not a warrior like most of you tribe. In fact you're quite the opposite." She hums placing her other hand on my hip, "Even though you can get a bit..fiery at times you are still kind even to those who don't deserve it. Because of that I've chosen you to be my lover."

My eyes widen and I stutter out a response, "A-And if I r-refuse?"

Sombra laughs grabbing my chin in a harsh grip, "You don't have a choice darling~ Everyone except the priests will believe you're dead, and if they did find out you were somehow alive, they wouldn't care. They sacrificed you without a second thought." I open my mouth to argue but she continues, "And before you say your beloved will come for you-they won't. Where were they when the priests force you from your home?" I stay quiet knowing that she had a point, "Exactly. They were no where to be found. Well actually that's not true. They were in the crowd, simply watching as you were whisked away. I'm surprised they didn't try to fight, especially since they were rather renowned for being one of your top warriors. They could've easily fought off the unarmed priests and crowd. Guess they were just cowards."

She removes the stakes, leaving my wrists and ankles bound with rope as she forced me to sit up. Keeping my chin in her grip she looks over my body, looking for any types of injuries.

"The priests are more competent than I thought."

Suddenly she picks me up bridal style before a bright light blinds me. When it finally clears I'm on something soft with the goddess hovering over me. Her hands grasp my hips before her lips meet mine in a bruising kiss. Her teeth nip at my bottom lip wanting entry but I deny her. I try to push her away with my bound hands but she only grabbed them and forced them to my chest. This caused me to gasp in surprise which also allowed her tongue to slip past my lips. The goddess explore her new territory with ease, both her hands tightening their already bruising grip on my body. After about a minute or so she finally pulls away, the two of us breathless from the heated kiss. I could already feel my lips becoming sore, but that was the least of my problems now. She pecks my lips again and then cuts off my restraints using her body to keep me down.

"One piece of advice mi amor-don't try to go to the other gods. They're just like me and have lovers from similar situations like yours. They won't help you. In fact they'll drag you back to me if they find you anywhere without my permission."

I gulp and nod earning a pat on the cheek from her. She gets up and walks to the door.

"Now I'm going to go inform the others. Go ahead and make yourself at home. I'll be continuing what we started when I get back~"

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