Junker Queen x Fem!Reader

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Junker Queen POV

"Our queen!" I hear some of the Junkers shout trying to grab my attention

I huff, ignoring them while I continued down the streets. You see I was only out to visit someone special-Y/N. She's the one jewel in this whole kingdom of mine. Now she doesn't know it yet but she'll be my queen. None of these other Junkers are good enough for her. I mean come on, I was the best of the best. Scrapyard champion for years until I became queen. I am the only one good enough for her. 

A few of my enforcers are behind me, shooing away some of the Junkers who try to get too close. As we grow closer to her house I swiftly spot the H/C beauty across the street. I smirk starting to walk towards her when I push someone out of my way, revealing a Junker flirting with her. My eye twitches as my grip on my weapon tightens, watching the two.

Your POV

I hum to myself making my way through Junkertown. Although my little walk was interrupted when I hear a familiar voice.

"Hey Y/N~"

I turn around seeing Charl, a long red haired Junker who, apart from the Junker Queen herself, always had a knack for flirting with me.

"Hey Charl!" I smile as she runs up to me

Charl smirks placing her hand on the wall beside my head, "So Y/N, I see you coming around this heap alot~How about instead you and I go somewhere that's just as nice as you instead?~"

Despite having gone through her flirting before I couldn't but blush. I rub my hands nervously as she leans closer, her brown eyes shifting to my lips. I try to lean back but the wall behind me doesn't allow me. Charl's other hand start to slid down to my hip when she's suddenly grabbed and yanked off of me.

"Hands off brat." 

My eyes widen when I see Junker Queen in front of me. Her muscular arm slides around my waist, pulling me towards her while she glared at the red head. 

"What the hell!" Charl snarled glaring back

"Oh? Do you wanna go tiny?" Our queen growls back, handing me off to one of her enforcers

The blue haired woman readies her weapon while Charl's eyes flickers between her and her enforcers. After a few tense seconds the red head scoffs.

"Forget it. It's not worth it." She huffs stuffing her hands into her pockets before storming away

"That's what I thought."

The enforcer lets me go while she turns around, allowing her to swiftly pick me up. I yelp in surprise clutching onto her shoulders as she begin to walk back to her lair. I try to wiggle my way out of her grip but that only resulted in her grip tightening. Bystanders pretended to see nothing while her and the enforcers glare at them, making sure no one interfered. After a few minutes we reached the gates leading into her lair, the gates opening for her and her entourage. Junker Queen hurries through the enforcers staying by the entrance. It doesn't take long before she slams open a door, revealing what I assume is her room. 

Her walls were adorned with many of her trophies and weapons when she was champion of the Scrapyard. She walked towards her queen bed, her eyes still full of anger. I let out another yelp when she suddenly drops me on the bed, her hands pinning my wrists above my head. Her eyes stare into mine causing me to gulp in fear. 

"You're mine." She growls slamming her lips on mine

I blush, giving into my suitor's kiss. As I begin to kiss back her hands let go of my wrists, allowing me to wrap my arms around her neck. Her hands run down the sides of my body, leaving goosebumps in their wake. My back arches pressing my chest against hers. I feel her rough hands grip my hips forcing them back down onto the bed. She breaks the kiss, leaving a trail of smaller ones down my jawline and neck.

"Mine. My future queen." She husks starting to leave hickies on my neck

I whimper, "Y-Yours~"

"That wimp thought she deserved you." She huffs nipping at my neck, "Thought she could protect you. She even thought about taking me on for you." 

She leans back, her eyes finding mine again. The blue haired woman cups my cheek, caressing the soft skin.

"Allow me to ask you properly," She states, "Y/N will you be my lovely girlfriend and queen?"

I smile leaning into her touch, "I will."

With a smile she leans back down, capturing my lips in another kiss. 

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