Sombra x Fem!Reader

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Your POV

"They've been gone for a while..." My friend Angie mutters eyeing the door

"They'll be alright." I smile reassuring her, "They're strong. They won't let some rival omnic gang take them out."

"She's right." Sofia butts in wrapping her arm around Angie, "Ty, Sombra, and the others aren't that weak. They'll return."

"I know but I can't help but worry-"

Angie is interrupted by the door opening, revealing our lovers and their friends.

"Babe!" Angie smiles rushing into the arms of her omnic boyfriend

He envelops her in a hug, the relieved Angie peppering his face with kisses.

"Where's our hugs?" Ty and Sombra ask pouting

Sofia and I giggle rushing over to them. Sombra lifts me up causing me to squeal and wrap my legs around her waist. The purple loving Mexican laughs walking us over to the couch.

"How was the mission?" I ask as she sits down, moving my legs across her lap

"Frustrating. A couple of the newbies blew their cover so it was horrible from the get go." She sighs tracing the green colored markings on my skin

"My poor baby." I frown pecking her lips

Sombra tries to deepen the kiss but I pull away with a smirk.

"Come on babe. I just got back from a stressful mission. I think I need some type of reward~" She smirks wrapping her arms around my waist

I giggle as she pulls me towards her, our breasts pressed flushed together. My lover's lips capture mine, our lips moving in sync as she swipes her tongue across my bottom lip. I part my lips for her and she doesn't waste any time in dominating the kiss.

"Get a room you two." Sofia snickers leaning against Ty

I roll my eyes ending the kiss, "Oh please. Usually you two start going at it right in the middle-"

"I'm going to cut you off right there." Ty interrupts

"She has a point though." Sombra chuckles resting her chin on my shoulder

Sofia sticks her tongue out pressing her face further into Ty's chest. Soon the room is filled with small talk, with Ty and the others chattering about the mission. After about an hour Angie removes herself from her boyfriend, looking at her watch.

"I better head home.." She grumbles

"Why don't you stay here? I'm sure Mateo won't mind." Sombra smiles wiggling her eyebrows

"I don't want to worry my mother. She's already ill as she is." Angie sighs moving towards the door

"Well let me and Sofia walk you home." I state getting up from Sombra's lap

"We can come too." Ty responds standing up

"We can handle ourselves babe." Sofia smirks, kissing his cheek, "Besides I think Boss wants to talk to you." She states motioning over to where their boss was

"Mierda! Hey boss." Ty curses turning his attention to the leader

"Go on and let them go home." She states, narrowing her eyes at them, "I want to talk to you three about the mission."

I kiss Sombra's cheek before leaving the room with my friends. It doesn't take us long to leave the Los Muertos base and soon we're in the street of Dorado.

"So you and Mateo's two year anniversary is next week right?" I ask our feet thumping against the stone streets


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