Yandere!Alpha!Talon Pharmercy x Omega!Reader

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Your POV

Fuck, I thought limping away from the firefight. A couple bullet fragments found themselves in my leg, and I was forced to retreat from my position. I hiss in pain as I press my hand against the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. I lean against a nearby building, ripping off my uniform jacket. I begin to rip it in pieces, tying them around my wounds. I grit my teeth in pain as it presses against the wound. Although my attention is taken away from the pain when I suddenly hear the echo of heels coming towards me. My eyes widen when an unfamiliar alpha scent floods my senses and panic seized me. My panic is swiftly replaced by adrenaline however when the alpha's pace quickens. I look around for any type of exit, spotting a warehouse not too far from me. Without thinking twice I push myself off the wall, limping as fast as I can towards it.

I burst through the door slamming it shut behind me. Despite my injured leg I block off the door with a few boxes before limping deeper into the warehouse. A few seconds later I hear loud thuds coming from the door, prompting me to find a hiding place. I duck behind some metal crates as I hear the door bust open. I try to keep my breathing steady while I hear the intruder walk around. Although it becomes apparent that they picked up my scent when their footsteps start to head straight for my hiding place. I could no longer keep my breathing under control as I began to panic again. After a few seconds though the footsteps stop. I furrow my brows in confusion before the intruder speaks.

"Overwatch really does have the cutest omegas~" They purr and I freeze in shock since the voice is coming from right above me, "It's too bad they send most of them to the front lines."

I look up, my eyes connecting with those of the talon medic, Angela Ziegler or also known as Mercy. My breath hitches and I crawl away from her, only to have my back bump into something metal. My fear goes into overdrive when I look up, meeting the red orbs of Fareeha Amari. A smirk appears on the alpha's face as she quickly scoops me up, keeping a tight grip on me while she sits me on a wooden crate. Angela walks towards us, her eyes drawn to the pieces of jacket wrapped around my leg. As the medic reached for my leg I tried to scoot away, afraid that notorious sadistic medic may try to do something. Sadly her lover keeps me still, Fareeha's mouth lowering itself down to my ear.

"Keep still little one." Fareeha growls

The Egyptian woman removes one of her arms from my waist, using the free hand to pin my injured leg to the wooden crate. Angela thanks her before removing the blood soaked strips, her red eyes narrowing at the multiple holes in my leg.

"You're lucky we found you meine liebe." Angela states removing them, "Any other alpha would've just killed you on the spot after following your little blood trail."

I watch in fear as the talon medic grabs a syringe from her waistband, making me fidget while she removes the cap off the dangerous needle.

"Don't fret our love. We won't hurt you." Fareeha states keeping me in place, "Besides we've been watching you for quite some time. We won't let such a perfect omega get away."

Her sentence sends me into defense mode, thrashing around in her arms while I try to kick Angela away. Neither seem bothered by this however, Angela grabbing my injured leg quickly and securing it in a tight grip. She swiftly stabs the needle into the leg causing me to whimper. Whatever was in the needle began to work quickly, the wounds on my leg beginning to heal and close up. After a few seconds of being healed however, a burning sensation suddenly comes over me. My hips buck as I let out a low moan, the burning sensation being the most powerful in between my legs. I connect the dots while the two alphas switch places, realizing that not only did she heal me, but she also forced me into heat. Angela coerces me to lay down, her soft hands cupping my face.

"Just relax our love." She hums her red eyes distracting me from Fareeha who was starting to strip my lower half, "We'll take good care of you and our pups~"

At the word pups my hips buck again, another moan escaping my mouth.

"You hear that baby?~" Angela smirks looking at Fareeha who is now stripping herself, "She's excited to carry our pups~"

"If she wants pups I'll give her a whole litter." Fareeha growls bending down and lifting up my shirt to place a kiss on my stomach

I whine when her hands grasp my thighs, forcing them apart so she can slide in between them. One of her hands grabs my hip, while the other guides her cock to my entrance. I whimper as the head spreads my folds apart, turning my head away in discomfort. Angela kisses my forehead while the other alpha continues, whispering sweet nothings to me.

"It's okay." She whispers, "The discomfort will be over soon. You're behaving so good for us~"

Suddenly Fareeha lets outs a low moan, and I feel her warm hips on mine.

"She's so tight habiti. Her walls are squeezing me-" She releases another moan, closing her eyes from the pleasure

Angela cups her face pressing a quick kiss to her lips, "She wants our pups meine liebe. Why don't you give them to her~"

With a snarl Fareeha's eyes open as she starts to thrust into me. I whine at the emptiness only to have the muscular alpha to slam back into me. Her pace is relentless, Angela's words must have hit a nerve in the alpha. Meanwhile the other alpha bites her lip as she watches, a whimper leaving her as she starts to grind her hips against the crate I was on.

Both alphas had started to pump some of their pheromones into the air, making sure that I was at the peak of my heat. Fareeha's hips slammed into mine over and over, trying to build us both up to our orgasms. The wooden crate was violently moving back and forth from the sheer power of her thrusts. I don't even bother holding back my moans while my fingers dig into Mercy's wrists, the female alpha thankfully not minding it. The knot in my lower abdomen begins to tighten.

"C-Close~" I stutter out

"Cum habiti~" Fareeha commands while I feel her knot swell

At the simple command I came undone, my walls clenching at her cock as I came. With one last powerful thrust bottoms out, her knot fitting itself in my cunt. As she reaches her peak Fareeha's teeth sink themselves into my neck, claiming me as hers. I whimper, my back arching at the tingles that shoot down my spine. As she pulls away she gives soft thrusts, helping the two of us down from our climax.

"You did so well Y/N." Fareeha pants kissing her mark

"I can't wait for my turn~" Angela smiles lustfully pecking my lips, "You'll look so pretty full of our cum~"

"She'll look so sweet, pregnant and full to the brim with our pups~" Fareeha coos cupping my cheek, "Won't you baby?~"

I can only nod, my thoughts still scrambled from the pleasure. After about twenty minutes Fareeha's knot finally shrunk enough to where she could pull out. I whimper at the emptiness, the soldier alpha kissing my forehead as she puts her armor back on. Angela moved to take her place only to have something beep on her arm. She growls in annoyance, moving away from me and tapping the device on her wrist.

"Sadly it looks like I'll have to have my round later." Angela pouts as she looks at the communicator on her wrist, "The others have forced Overwatch to retreat. They want us back to the ships."

Fareeha huffs pulling up my pants and underwear before picking me up, "D.Va and Ashe better keep away from our omega. She still smells like she's in heat."

"I'm sure as long as we're both beside her they won't bother."

"More like me." Fareeha mutters

"What was that darling?~"

"Nothing dear." 

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