Young!Alpha!Ashe x Omega!Fem!Reader

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Your POV

I pout as I watch that new beta McCree make Ashe laugh. The two have been spending time with each other lately and to be honest I was jealous. I mean who wouldn't be? Ashe and I are dating yet here she is pushing off dates to spend time with the newbie.

"Somethin' wrong Y/N?" Max asks sitting next to me

"Yes actually." I sigh 

"Well what is it?"

"It's just Ashe has been spending time with that new beta recently. She doesn't spend too much time with me anymore." 

"Ah." He responds leaning back in his seat, "Well have you talked to her about how you feel?"

"I tried. She pushed that date off to spend time with him." I huff crossing my arms

"Damn. I wish there was a way-"

Just as he said that a small light bulb went off in my head.

"Wait that's it!"

"What's it?"

"Help me make Ashe jealous?"


"Help me make her jealous."

"Y/N I like ya but I don't wanna die."

"Well you've been trying to see if Selene likes you right?"

"Well yeah but.."

"Then this will help both of us out. If Selene does like you then she'll get jealous and come to you, and it'll help me make Ashe jealous."

He sighs thinking it over for a few minutes. Max takes a deep breath looking into my eyes.

"And you'll promise me you won't let Ashe beat me up?"

"I promise you." I smile sticking out my hand, "Now do we have a deal?"

"We have a deal." He states shaking my hand

At first we start things small, him telling me a few jokes and I laugh loudly in response. This only causes a few glances from my white haired alpha so we continue. With my permission he does small touches, like gently grabbing my hand or wrapping his arm around my shoulder. This seems to gather more attention from not only Ashe but Selene as well. The black haired beta was pretty much death glaring me. 

"You're so funny Max." I fake giggle placing my hand on his chest 

"I'm glad you think so." He smiles back scooting closer to me 

I hear Ashe's boots click against the wooden floor as I lean into his embrace. When the clicking of the boots stop I look up, my E/C eyes immediately gazing into Ashe's angry red ones.

"Alpha Ashe." Max smiles removing his arm, "How can I help you?"

She doesn't say anything and simply grabs my arm before dragging me out of the booth. Ashe turns to drag me away but she stops, turning back to Max. 

"Keep your arms away from my girl. Besides I think you need to explain yourself to beta Selene here." Ashe growls while the black haired girl sits down next to Max 

And with that Ashe rushed me out of the entertainment room, ordering BOB to stay behind. The omnic looks confused but does what he's told, watching Ashe drag me down the hall. I try not to trip over my feet while I struggle to keep up with my alpha.

"Ashe can you slow down-" I whine almost tripping 

With a snarl she stops pulling me in front of her before pinning me against the wall. I whimper when my back hits the wall, wincing slightly from the pain. 

"What do you think you were doin' with Max?" She huffs her hand tightening on my wrist

"We w-were just playing around." I whisper

"Playin' around? With him flirting with you and touchin' you?" 

Her grip tightens on my wrist, "A-Ashe stop." I whimper, "Y-You're hurting me."

Ashe's red eyes widen and she let's go of me, taking a step back. I whine as I rub my wrists refusing to look at her. They were definitely going to bruise, in fact red fingerprints were already forming where her hand was. 

"Darlin' I'm sorry." She states looking at my wrists then to me, stepping towards me 

I press myself further against the wall making her stop immediately. My breathing becomes short and shallow as I feel a panic attack coming on. She watches me for a few moments waiting for my breathing to even out. Although when it doesn't she wraps her arms around my waist, pulling me against her front. 

"Listen to my heart beat babygirl." She whispers kissing my hair 

I do as I'm told, her calming heart beat allowing me to calm down rather quickly. She holds me for a few more minutes before gently pulling away, just enough so we could look into each other's eyes. 

"Why were you letting him touch you Y/N?" She asks gently cupping my cheek

I take a deep breath leaning into her touch, "I wanted to make you jealous."


"Cause you're always hanging out with that newbie McCree."

"Why didn't you tell me how you felt?"

"I tried." I huff becoming angry, "But every time I wanted to tell you, you would either push off the date or say you were busy helping McCree. Whenever you're not hanging out with McCree you're training or exhausted from a mission. You hardly even spend time with me anymore."

She frowns wiping away a tear that escaped my eye, "I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I'm not going to promise you I'll do better. I WILL be a better girlfriend to you."

"You'll spend time with me? Take me out on dates? We'll have cuddle sessions?"

"Yes darlin' all of that." She smiles resting her forehead on mine

"You'll even give me a litter?~" I tease drawing patterns on her suit

Her breath hitches and her face becomes red, "I-If you want one...."

I giggle resting my head against her chest while I plant small kisses along her jawline and neck. Her arm around my waist tightens a low moan coming from her. She stops me though earning a whine from me.

"It's not nice to tease your alpha..."

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