Chapter 38

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Meredith is resting in her bed at home after being discharged from the hospital two weeks ago. After they got rid of all of her cancer she was put through a battery of tests to make sure that there was not any cancer lingering around in her body. After not finding anything, they proclaimed her cancer free.

They had her stay in the hospital a few more days so she could recover from her surgery but after that she could continue recovering from home. So that's where she is now. Home. A place Meredith never imagined being able to go ever again. She thought her cancer was going to kill her and that she would die in that hospital. But she kicked her cancer's butt and survived.

Meredith heard footsteps coming towards her room and smiled when she saw Derek open the door.

"Hi!" She said, smiling. "Have any good surgeries today?"

Derek finally went back to work today. He stayed home with her for the past two weeks but Mereidth insisted that he go back, saying she was fine and that she would be fine by herself at home.

Derek smiled and nodded. "I did, I removed a huge aneurysm from someone's brain today! Her husband was just so grateful. He thanked me over and over again for saving his wife's life. He said he hopes that I never have to go through something that hard with the person I love. If only he knew." Derek came over and kissed her on the forehead."

"I survived though! Meredith said, grinning. "I'm healthy again! Anddddddd I talked to Dr Bailey today."

"What'd you talk to her about?"

"My intern exam. It's coming up in two months. And I really want to keep up with my class. I can't fall behind. I really want to take it with Cristina and George and everyone. I don't want to be the idiot that has to repeat their intern year. So I need to take it and pass it. Which shouldn't be too hard right? I'll study of course." Meredith rambled nervously.

"Woah. First of all, you wouldn't be an idiot if you had to repeat your intern exam. Everyone knows how tough this year has been on you. But I really think you would pass, you know a lot and you studied when you could during your fight with cancer. Plus, it's still two months away. You can study a lot between now and then. And you'll also be going back to work pretty soon. Did Bailey say you could take it with your class?"

"Yes, she did!" Meredith smiled. "I can take it with my class. She said that she has no doubt that I can pass it but I'm still worried anyways. I was out for so long."

"I think you will be just fine! Maybe you can get George to get Callie to let you borrow her special flash cards. I'm sure she'd give them to you!"

"Yeah, hopefully."

"Ask George Mer. You know he'll ask her for you." Derek suggested

Meredith nods and then gets a mischievous look on her face. "Do you think she'll be more likely to give them to me if I pull the cancer card? Guilt her into it a little? Cristina would tell me to do it!"

"Meredith!" Derek said laughing.

"Hey, I'm just using my weaknesses to my advantage..." Meredith said giggling.

Derek just laughs and shakes his head at her. "Oh, I love you Meredith Grey. You're too smart for your own good."

Meredith smiles back at him. "This will definitely put me ahead of everyone else asking for those cards! I'll win for sure!" She says, yawning.

"Mer, why don't you go lay down and take a nap? You look exhausted." Derek suggested.

"I laid down all day while you were at work. I don't want to sleep anymore today! I hate that I'm always so tired now."

"It'll get better Mer, I promise."


Meredith is back at work now and is somehow getting through her long workdays despite being so exhausted through her shifts.

Meredith's skin is so pale and she just looks and feels exhausted all of the time because of the toll the chemo took on her body. Meredith is always wearing long sleeve shirts under her scrubs due to feeling cold all of the time plus wearing her lab coat on top of that.

"You look terrible." Cristina said to her person after a long day of work. And their day is still not over yet.

"I'm fine. I'll just get some rest when I get home." Meredith whispered, feeling sluggish.

"Mer, you still have 5 hours left of your shift. Are you sure you're going to last? You look like you're going to just pass out any second." Cristina said to her.

"I'll get more coffee. That'll help." Meredith said softly.

"Mer... I know you're trying to get back to being hardcore but you seriously should get some rest. Bailey will be fine if you do that. Besides, she won't want you undoing all of her hard work." Cristina says, showing her softer side towards Meredith.

Meredith yawns in response.

"See?!" Cristina says loudly. "You know you need some sleep. Don't fight it Mer. No one is going to look down at you for taking an hour long nap or whatever. Everyone knows what you've been through and that you're still recovering. You're not back at 100% yet. It'll take time and that's fine."

Meredith sighs. "Fine."


Two months later after successfully guilting Callie into giving her her flashcards, studying in all of her off time and then actually taking the exam, it's finally time for them to get their exam results.

"People! Listen up!" Dr Bailey yells at her interns in the locker room. "I have your exam results here! Karev, shut up!"

"Sorry." Alex mutters.

"Like I was saying before Karev rudely interrupted me, I have your exam results!"

Meredith looked anxiously at Cristina.

"Yang! Stevens! Here you go!"

Cristina goes up to get her results and then goes back next to Meredith.

"I'll open mine when you get yours." Crisitna said softly.

Meredith nods.


Meredith goes to get her results from Bailey and also gets a smile from Bailey.

"Good job Grey." Bailey says with a smile.

Meredith has a nervous smile on her face.

"Okay. On three. One, two, THREE." Cristina says and on three both her and Meredith rip open their results.

"I passed!" Cristina said loudly. "Take that Karev! I probably did better than you!"

"I passed." Meredith whispered to herself in shock.

"Mer, how'd you do? Crisitna asks.

"I passed! I'm no longer an intern! This sucky year is over." Meredith exclaimed happily. "It's over. I'm healthy and my intern year is over."

"Yes Grey!" All of her friends cheered her on.

"Here's to being residents! Hopefully next year is much better than this year!" Meredith says.

And Fever is complete!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this story!!!

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