Chapter 4

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Meredith gets home from the hospital and Derek helps her into their room. He helps her into bed and tucks her in.

"Thanks." She says weakly to him.

"You're welcome Mer. I want you to feel better already." He says softly to her.

"Me too." She says and starts to cough. All of a sudden she needs to puke again. "N-need bucket."

Derek quickly puts the bucket under her chin and she throws up into it.

"Ughhhhh. I hate this." She says after she finishes throwing up.

"I know you do. It'll get better." He says, playing with her hair.

"I'm tired." She says softly.

"Close your eyes sweetie. Get some sleep."

"Will you stay?" She asks weakly.

"I will. I'll be right here."

She falls asleep and wakes up two hours later. "Derek..." She cries out.

"What is it sweetie?" He asks concerned at seeing his girlfriend crying.

"I don't feel good. And I feel so warm." She says sobbing.

"I'm going to go get the thermometer. I'll be right back." He leaves and goes into the bathroom and finds the thermometer. He walks back into the room and sees that she's kicked off all of her covers. "Hey Mer, open up." She does and he sticks it under her tongue. After a minute it beeps and he pulls it out and looks at it. "102. I'm going to grab you some Tylenol to try to bring your fever down." He grabs that and comes back with the pills. He gives her a tiny cup of water and has her swallow the pills.

"Thanks." She says softly.

"Do you want to try to eat anything? Some soup maybe?"

She shakes her head no. "Not hungry."

"Okay. It's getting late. Why don't you try to go to sleep for the night?"

"Okay. I'll try." She closes her eyes and then opens them again. "It's too hot for the covers."

"That's okay. If you need them you know they're there. Get some sleep. I'll be right here."

She falls asleep quickly.

Unknown to either of them, Meredith's temperature is slowly increasing. The Tylenol is not helping at all.

Around 5 hours later Derek wakes up and senses something is off. He looks over at Meredith who is sleeping still. He smiles, happy that she is getting some rest. He decides to feel her forehead to see if her temperature has gone down any. He places his hand on her forehead and snatches it back immediately. Meredith is burning up.

"Meredith. Meredith wake up please." He says gently shaking her. She's not waking up so he tries again. "Mer, wake up for me. You're burning up." He shakes her a little more and she finally wakes up. She opens her eyes slowly and once they're open he sees how glassy looking her eyes are  and how out of it she looks.

"Mer, you're burning up. I need to retake your temperature. Can you open your mouth for me please?" She opens it a tiny amount, barely able for him to get the thermometer under her tongue. Once it beeps he takes it out and instantly panics seeing how high her temperature is.

"Mer, we have to go to the hospital. You have a very high fever."

"Noooooo." She moans and then all of a sudden loses consciousness.

"Mer? Mer!" He yells. He is now freaking out more and quickly dials 911. "Hi, my girlfriend has a very high fever. It's 106; she needs help right now!" He is told an ambulance is on the way.

A few minutes later the paramedics rush in and Derek leads them to Meredith. "She keeps going in and out of consciousness. Her fever is 106!"

All of a sudden Meredith starts seizing.

"Meredith!" Derek yells and moves her onto her side. "Please help her! I can't lose her!" He says with tears in his eyes.

The paramedics inject a medicine into Meredith and she stops seizing a minute later.

The paramedics get Meredith onto the stretcher and start to wheel her to the ambulance with Derek following behind them.

"She needs to go to Seattle Grace Hospital. We're both surgeons there. She's an intern there."

They get her into the ambulance and quickly turn on the sirens and quickly make their way to the hospital.

They get there and the ambulance door is opened. "Meredith Grey, 28 year old female, 106 degrees temperature, febrile seizure at home and another on route."

They pull out Meredith's stretcher and it was immediately grabbed by Dr Bailey who quickly takes control of the situation. She rushes Meredith into a trauma room. She knows right away that this is no longer the flu and quickly runs shotgun blood work.

They quickly try to get her fever down and put ice packs all around her body.

Dr Bailey is working on Meredith when all of a sudden she sees something unexpected. "What on earth are all of these bruises on her back?"

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